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Wrist Injury - Wrist Guard Suggestions?

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Hey all,

I had recently broken my wrist and needed surgery to (plate and screw) to mend them old bones. I want to get back on the grind asap and was looking into some pro wrist guards to prevent future accidents and help shield the impacted area from the recent surgery. I had come up with the following, but am not sure if the standard hockey glove will fit over this wrist guard as it is not exactly hockey made;

Flexmeter Pro Wrist Guard

Pro Design Wrist Guard

Standard Hockey wrist guards are smaller, at a fraction of the cost, but do not have the splint offered in the above;

Shoc Doc Velocity Wrist / Slash Guard

Thanks any input, especially from anyone with prior broken wrists would be appreciated.

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The EvoShield gel guards (they harden into plastic for a custom fit on your wrist) are the most protective. Never tried Shock Doctor but they look like they would be too bulky. I would go EvoShield.

Don't buy the cheap $10 pair of Bauer/Reebok slash guards.. They are bulky and provide little protection. I just wear them so I have something there and since I'm tight on the bank. Plus no one dares slash my wrists or will end up with me on their back the entire game :wink:

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The first two guard you listed may not afford you enough range of motion to be practical. I would second the higher end slash guard recommendation, or you may want to look at an elbow pad with extended wrist protection- Jofa/Reebok 8k etc.

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I am not a doctor, so I cannot comment on what is best for an injury. But can say, that I do like my ShockDoctor Wrist Guards. They are not too long, but I do not need a ton of length to bridge the gap between my gloves and elbows, so they are working out perfectly for me.

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The first two guard you listed may not afford you enough range of motion to be practical. I would second the higher end slash guard recommendation, or you may want to look at an elbow pad with extended wrist protection- Jofa/Reebok 8k etc.

Been wondering why companies stopped offering them. Had an 8K and the Easton 700s, which both eventually wore out, but no company makes an elbow with the extended wrist anymore.

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Had a bad wrist sprain 2 years ago, everything would set it off. Started taping heavily for games and workouts. Just last week I go an Evo Shield compression sleeve with wrist wrap. Played one game with it, Very good mobility but less stability than a good tape job. I had tried the Shock Doctor complete line of all their different wrist guards etc. Found that certain ones would bite into the wrist and some just limited mobility. The positive on the Evo Shield stuff is if you get it online, you can customize it with your own number.

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Been wondering why companies stopped offering them. Had an 8K and the Easton 700s, which both eventually wore out, but no company makes an elbow with the extended wrist anymore.

TPS had a model that looked like 8k clone, It was an R8 or R10. I think it was a Europe/pro only model though. Other than that there hasn't been much available. I have long arms and actually need the extra length. The Jofa/RBK's are around, and the larger your arms are the less you'll have to shell out for a set.

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Been wondering why companies stopped offering them. Had an 8K and the Easton 700s, which both eventually wore out, but no company makes an elbow with the extended wrist anymore.

Probably because no one really buys them anymore. That's usually why they scale down or stop offering a product. We've havent sold one in years, so the stock I have never needs replenishing.

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Wanted to say thank you to every1 for replying. I got to say recovering from injury sucks bal*s .. I got back on my inline skates last week and felt like a solid oak piece of timber.. Can't wait to hit the ice should be fun seeing me mop the floor :). I had ended up getting the Flexmeter Pro wrist guards - They do limit your range of motion but the support is out of this world. You would have to try hard to break your wrist in this. For now and until I get the fear / stiffness out of me, they will have to do. For shits and giigles - this guy looks like Helm or Datsyuk compared to me at the moment.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/2vQlv-Nqc8c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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