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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I had the opportunity to handle a stealth this week, and, to me, didn't feel as good in my hands as a si-core. The Stealth had the same feel as the ultra carbon shaft.

I know it's suppose to be Easton's top dog, but I just didn't care for the feel. Anyway, my 2 cents worth.

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Im ordering an Easton stealth. But whats the best stick out there?

To determine the best stick is impossible. No one can choose a stick for you except yourself. Which ever stick has your curve and flex would be a good start. Also two piece sticks arent bad either. I like TPS sticks because of their varietry of curves and flexes. It also depends on where you like your balance point, For example: Do you like blade heavy sticks or a mid balance area?

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"Best" for the money we have used so far...Tour Beemer...$100.00 list....But it does really all depend on what suits you. We only know those who use it for inline, so not comparing it for ice, but most who have used the Synergy's seem to really like this stick.....price not withstanding. They have only had a couple of curves, and their "softest" stick, the stiff x-2, is about a 90 flex, so they do not yet offer the range of choices that the other OPS makers do, but, if you liked the Synergy Modano, you may like the Tour at least as well. A bit heavier, a hair stiffer comparing the stiff x-2 to the regular 85 Synergy, but maybe better balanced, and with great feel.

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So what do u think is then? Iv played with a si-core and its okay but i personally prefer the cheap typhon.

The si-core is good...my primary stick is an ultra lite shaft with a z-carbon blade.

I also have a cyclone and z-bubble as well. They definately have a different feel than the stealth. I didn't get to shoot with it, however, just hold it.

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If you have flex, shape of the shaft, curve, lie, lenght, weight(I prefer a blade heavy), balance, acrylic surface or polarfibre or soft grip.......you want then it's the best stick for YOU.

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ive been using my m-1 for the past few months now, the longest ive really kept and liked a stick. as soon as i got it, i chopped off the blade and put a wood ether blade in it.i love and will soon get a L-2.

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Got my Innovative Novius shaft about 5 weeks ago now, popped in some full carbon Koho Jage blades and haven't looked back. I've scored 6 goals out of those 5 games and honestly its the shaft's doing because its simply that good!


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I'm about to start using the M-1 Grip shaft I bought off estovlo2, once I get a blade shaved down to fit in it!

Hoping it'll suit me well - I've used similar sticks, but this is the highest-end one I've used so far. Can't wait to get my hands on it properly.... :D

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@ cunndies

DON'T SHAVE DOWN THE BLADE! If you do this it will snap very easily!

You could probably go with a low-kick blade like an easton synthesis blade. I'm not sure if this would work though.

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It will be almost impossible to get a straight answer for that question. Everyone likes something different. I do like my M-1 grip, and my TPS Rubber though :D

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We've had numerous posts like this in the ice section and there is no single "best stick".

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