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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 piece stick Assembly question

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So I went ahead and just heated the blade and shaft next to each other for about 15-30 seconds. The glue (turns out it was glue, I thought it was just plastic) melted, the blade went seamlessly into the shaft, and I think I am good to go. The blade is in there pretty well securely (no flimsyness, and I did bang the blade into a table while stickhandling around my apartment- the blade held up fine), and I think I am good to go. It was so much easier than I had suspected. Mostly because I did not realize that the glue was already applied onto the blade- this made it pretty much a walk in the park.

Now, getting the plug glued in, that was another story. What is everyone's thoughts on this? Do you guys glue in the original plug? I saw a video on YouTube of Kris Letang cutting a stick, and then using the original plug. I guess the plug gives the top of the stick some integrity? I see there are some people who like to cut deeper into the shat, then use wood plugs or the stick extensions for plugs. My shaft/blade combo was the perfect height for me, so I just used the original plug. Problem was, because the plug was rubber, it got really mushy when I melted some glue onto it (I was trying to do like K Letang did in the YouTube video, it did not work out so well for me). So, it got messy, but I was able to get the plug in, and I think it ought to stay.

And then on a side note- getting the Tack Mac on (over the plugged shaft top)- WOW! It was like a friggin' wrestling match. I had seen somewhere to use hair spray, but I had forgotten about this tip. So yea, I had a workout, before I went to the gym.

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I always use a plug in the end of the stick. New composites usually come with a small rubber end that you can pop in and out without glue or heat. I cut to length, take the old plug out, and put it back in the shorter length.

For my old 2 pieces that came with wood plugs I would just cut the wood plug and do a quick sand job to round the edges a bit and take out the splinters. If it was still too long and the stick needed to be cut I would pop the plug, cut the stick, then cut the wood plug down to about an eighth of and inch high and put it back in. The reason being I don't want to add height but I was an end plug.

I always have an end plug in because it's much easier to hurt people or yourself with an open ended stick.

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With some brands, the plug doesn't fit very well and can pop out during training / game time. Instead of gluing it in, I run two or three layers of black stick tape over the top of it (covering both ways, side and front / back) with the tape going down about 1 inch each side of the shaft. Then either tape the shaft up for your grip or slide your grip holder on. The plug will never come out by accident and it's easy to undo at a later date if you want to.

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With some brands, the plug doesn't fit very well and can pop out during training / game time. Instead of gluing it in, I run two or three layers of black stick tape over the top of it (covering both ways, side and front / back) with the tape going down about 1 inch each side of the shaft. Then either tape the shaft up for your grip or slide your grip holder on. The plug will never come out by accident and it's easy to undo at a later date if you want to.

Not a bad idea. I like these Tack Mac grips though, and I am not sure if they will work as well, with tape under them.

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with the rubber end plugs on my DT1 when i popped them off one was plain by itself and the other one had tape wrapped around the bottom splines like some do with the hosel of a blade before assembly.

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