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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buy a new helmet

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My old Jofa helmet is breaking.

I need a new one, I´m looking for something with the similar airflow that the new Mission Inhaler helmet, but I don´t like the design of the Mission helmets.

I need advice for buy, I like the Bauert RE-ATK or the IMS, the Easton e700, the Cascade M11...

I use cage, and also need that combine with a lighter cage and the best refrigeration system, with the Jofa I usually feel to hot in the head.

What helmet has the best airflow, the lighter structure and the best design in your opinions?

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The coolest Jofa I ever tried was the VM. Of course we all know that that was a helmet in name only. Never liked any Jofas. Now there are no Jofa helmets as I understand. Loved their shoulder pads, however...

When I was in Total Hockey on Monday, I was thoroughly impressed by how light the titanium cages felt in the hand. I like the looks of the Cascade.

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My old Jofa helmet is breaking.

I need a new one, I´m looking for something with the similar airflow that the new Mission Inhaler helmet, but I don´t like the design of the Mission helmets.

I need advice for buy, I like the Bauert RE-ATK or the IMS, the Easton e700, the Cascade M11...

I use cage, and also need that combine with a lighter cage and the best refrigeration system, with the Jofa I usually feel to hot in the head.

What helmet has the best airflow, the lighter structure and the best design in your opinions?

I use the M11 and find it very comfortable, but it gets a little hot for roller. It's fine for ice, but at some point I'll probably switch to something different for roller (perhaps the Mission Inhaler if it fits me comfortably).

If you read the long term reviews here on both the Re-akt and the Easton E700 they're both supposed to have good air flow.

You'll have to be more specific than Bauer IMS as there are many different IMS models. The IMS 11 is basically a tweaked version of the M11 Pro - they perforated the foam to try to add ventilation, but I don't know ho much that will help. The IMS 9 is the VN version of the Re-akt - the fit is different though due to the thicker VN foam. The IMS 7 is the tweaked version of the M11.

If your priority is ventilation I think the Re-akt and E700 are good choices if they fit your head well. The Mission Inhaler seems like the ideal option for ventilation, but you noted you don't like the design.

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First thing you need to do is try on the helmets first and see what fits. A helmet with great features and looks isn't going to do jack if it doesn't fit right. Once you determine what is best, then you can narrow it down from there. I personally like what I've seen from the E700 do if its fits, that would be my choice

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Over the last year I've tried and worn the Re-Akt, IMS 9, E700, S19 and 11k. Any of these will do an excellent job of protecting your head, ventilation is pretty good on all of them. For a really good lock the 11k with its occipital adjuster was hard to beat. For lightness the E700 and S19 don't even feel as if they are on your head. For comfort the Re-Akt, E700 amd 11k, for general godliness the Re-Akt (imho). For a cage the titanium is the lightest I have found.

But as previous posters have said, it all depends on how they fit on your head.

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I studied the helmets this weekend and the E700 has a lovely design. I think that will buy this in the matte black.

You know if the Easton cages are light and good quality?

Also, you know is the Bauer RE-AKT Titanium cage fits good with the E700?

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The top end easton cages are good but not as light as a titanium cage. I haven't fitted a re-akt cage to my e700 but I have seen and read about others who have done it. As an example of how light the E700 is, the helmet and cage is about 1/2 the weight of my old S17 helmet on it's own.

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many people have successfully put the titanium reakt cage ont he e700.

word to the wise. I really wanted the e700 to work for me and was deciding between that and the re-akt. i tried on the large e700 and it was a bit big. tried on the medium and it fit the top half of my head perfect. problem was that it pinches in towards the bottom and it was putting a ton of pressure on my sideburn area in front of my ears. I pretty much got an instant headache.

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