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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Primeau's stick

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Guest phillyfan

The other day at practice, he was using a daed black shaft, but you could clearly see Vapor XX fading through.

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Guest phillyfan

May be switching between games and practices, but standing up next to the glass, without a doubt he was using a blackened out Vapor XX OPS during practice.

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I remember hearing that he was behind those "all black shafts" that seem to always pop-up on ebay. One of those "why pay full retail for a Z-bubble, when this is just as good, just ask Keith Primeau" at least thats what I remember, it was a little while ago though. It looked kind've shady too, they'd just have a picture of Primeau and have the stick pictures beside him.

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I've seen a lot of his blacked-out sticks pop up for sale and the majority - if not all of them - had been Sher-Woods.

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Primeau used blacked out SherWood's for a long time then switched to a Synergy. Not sure what he's using in the picture.


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If I remember correctly the all black shafts were coming out of Ottawa and were seconds from Ballistik's production. They were just playing on the fact he was using the blacked out stuff.

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I'm willing to say it's one of those Fury OPSs...

Not a bad guess considering Fury is his company,or he owns a share in it, according to the manager at my LHS, and it`s free advertisment.

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He could be measuring it against a wall with the toe of the blade on the floor. You'd think people would just measure the shafts lenght but I've seen others on ebay measured like that.

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A ref came to my hockey class the other day and said that there were no stick lenght rules, they took the 63" rule out last year.

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Guest phillyfan

He must have been on crack, or maybe there are different rules for each individual league? I know in the Atlantic District, it still plainly states in the referee rulebook and handbook that stick lengths shall not exceed 63''.

Rule 301 B:No stick shall exceed 63 inches in length from the heel to the end of the shaft.

If an infraction of this rule occurs, a minor penalty shall be assessed.

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It's a Vapor XX, if you check out Hattricks website, he has one for sale on there


I just checked his website, it's not on there, but i remember seeing it somewhere that he uses a blacked out Vapor XX

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It's a Vapor XX, if you check out Hattricks website, he has one for sale on there


I just checked his website, it's not on there, but i remember seeing it somewhere that he uses a blacked out Vapor XX


This is a picture from last night, It has a marking on the stick that I've never seen on a Vapor XX or any OPS for that matter.

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Guest phillyfan

In the centre of the graphic, the circle, "FURY" may fit there. It's really hard to tell, but enhancing the photo the best I could, I could almost bet that the end letter had the bottom of the "Y." If you take the definition of Fury, and look at the graphis around it, it fits. The graphic almost resembles a hurricane.

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If you look on the first page I stated that Fury was owned by Primeau or he had a share in it, a guy at my LHS told me that when I was checking the Fury OPS out.

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