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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone know if the LS EDGE rentention system broke or was it the blade

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All about money. When you have a product that's the gold standard (LS2/LS Edge), you have the luxury of being able to get away with building it cheaply. When you make a holder out of Zytel nylon (one of the cheapest plastics to manufacture/mold) you know it has inherent downfalls based on the conditions it will encounter. Don't get me wrong, nylon is a great plastic for many applications, it's very tough. But it can only do so much. You can add "speed ribs" to stiffen it, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it will still go soft eventually. There are holders that used different material, some with success, some far from success. If Bauer wanted to make a better product, they could. Swap the nylon out for a different plastic, there's half a dozen I know of that have better mechanical properties for what it will be used for. As soon as Bauer stops making money off it, they'll change it. Until then everybody will enjoy what Bauer wants them to enjoy.

Same with steel. 400 series stainless (most runners) has ups and downs. You can't have equal amounts of hardness, toughness, strength, wear resistance , corrosion resistance. You must sacrifice some attributes in favor of others. But steel is cheap, so you find a happy medium in the chemical composition, buy a sh*t ton of it, stamp it, and count your dollars.

The two NHL EQMs I spoke with love the LS Edge, one of them has all but one guy (LS2) on them. Keep a few sets of runners for each player on the bench ready to go, and it's one less thing they have to worry about. And I'm not one to not participate in a pissing contest sooooo.... in my 12+ years of retail experience...

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I'm not sure exactly what happened but in tonight's game against the Kings Matt Cooke was whistled for penalty and before he went off to the box he was showing the ref something was wrong with his blade holder (LS Edge) and went over to the trainer real quick and either had him pop in a new runner or adjust it before he sat. Take it for what it's worth...

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Just ordered a pair of X90's. For those who have skated on LS Edge holder how much difference is there between them and the light speed 2 holders? If I have problems with the LS Edge Holder or don't like them, how easy is it to put the light speed 2 holder on the X90's? Do the holes align? Same size holder?

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With anything considerably taller than a previous setup, there will an adjustment period. For me when i switched to taller holders, I found that at first, I was leaning too far when turning to catch my edge. After adjusting for that, there was an improvement in the quickness of turns and spins.

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Just ordered a pair of X90's. For those who have skated on LS Edge holder how much difference is there between them and the light speed 2 holders? If I have problems with the LS Edge Holder or don't like them, how easy is it to put the light speed 2 holder on the X90's? Do the holes align? Same size holder?

I replaced my LS 2 holder with the LS Edge holder. The guy that did it at my pro shop said it was very simple and the holes lined up perfectly (I made sure I ordered the same size holder).

I also put on LS 3 Edge steel, so I gained a total of 6 mm (1/4") in height. It felt a little different, but not bad, for about the first 20 minutes skating on them. Once I started making aggressive turns I really noticed the benefit of the taller steel/holder combo. Before I had to consciously limit how tightly I turned or the bottom of my EE boot would make contact with the ice and I'd "bottom out" and lose my edge. Now, I don't have to worry at all.

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