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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I think this would be the right place for this topic but, if I am incorrect please let me know.

I am thinking about buying an Easton V9E from ProStockHockeyGear.com. This is my first time ever buying a pro stock stick and my first time buying from an online vendor. So, my question is, is this site reliable? Do the quality of their sticks match up to top of the line retail sticks or am I going to get ripped off?

Please let me know about your experiences with this site and if their sticks are what they say they are.


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They're hit or miss now. They use to be great, not so much anymore. I would never order customs from them anymore after the stories I've heard. If you're buying in stock gear, it should go okay. I did hear of one time a guy got two left gloves and had to hunt down the guy who got two right gloves himself.

Good luck getting them to answer the phone or reply to an email. Their customer service has gone to hell. That's why the guy had to find the opposite pair of gloves because PSHG wouldn't answer.

As far as comparing pro to retail sticks: good luck without holding it yourself. There's so many options a pro can have on their stick that it's impossible to tell what they're like from a picture.

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+1...used to be great, now pretty rubbish, and the sticks are definitely a diceroll.

First time I ordered I got the wrong curve as well, and it's not like it's easy to send sticks back.

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Skip the headaches and go with retail V9Es from the hockeymonkey or other reputable vendors. Where do you live?

The main reason I thought of buying a stick from his site is that I can not stand the big Easton graphic on the front of the blade and the stick I was planning on getting didn't have it on the blade and all the other graphics were still visible. And I really didn't want to spray paint over it because I am not very confident in my spray painting skills.

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People have been ordering gloves over the last 2 weeks and haven't had any problems. I've never had a problem ordering off their site and shipping is super fast as well.

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I concur with others.

Great for items in stock: I have ordered countless sticks and gloves and never had any problems. Usually 3-4 days from Ontario to Wisconsin for me.

Bad for customs (gloves and sticks): They had some good deals on custom Warrior gloves going, but when I read the horror stories - I opted to use other sources.

Hit or miss customer service: When they first opened - they were great. Called about some specs on a stick. Left a message, but they called back within an hour. Gave me a deal on shipping too (I bought 4 sticks though!)..... A year later, I called since they listed a stick I was interested in as LH, but showed a blade pic of RH. I wanted to make sure since the name on the namebar was not one I recognized. They never called back. I had to find the guys name myself on the internet. Ended up being what I wanted afterall.

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I have never ordered sticks from PSHG but I got some custom gloves from them. It took me about 4 months to finally get them, which was fine, but they ended up not even being right! The guy I spoke with seemed cool at first but wouldn't accept the return because they were custom. They told me what I received was " exactly what was on the order sheet..." :facepalm:

Not trying to bash these guys but I definitely didn't have a good experience with them.

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Only used them once, for custom gloves. They screwed up the first set, but to their credit they got me a correct pair very quickly. I'd say overall it took a month for both sets total, but I never went back. After checking them out now to see about sticks, they're pretty useless if you like heel curves and are right-handed.

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I was thinking of having them do customs reebok skates through them but now I'm not so sure. Anyone know any other ways to get custom 20ks? I have narrow heels: d/AA.

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I was thinking of having them do customs reebok skates through them but now I'm not so sure. Anyone know any other ways to get custom 20ks? I have narrow heels: d/AA.

Did the online quote form for custom 20Ks a month ago, no response. Doesn't seem like they have their shtuff together online. But maybe calling them might be better?

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I was thinking of having them do customs reebok skates through them but now I'm not so sure. Anyone know any other ways to get custom 20ks? I have narrow heels: d/AA.

Your local shop that carries Reebok will have the forms (excel file) available. If they don't, they can get them from the local Reebok rep.

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Thanks Mickz and MC88. Prostockhockeygear finally responded to my email but the response was vague and not very helpful. I have a Total Hockey a few miles from my house so I will try to order them through them.

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As for the blade problem, you could just use black spray paint on the blade, or very lightly scratch it off if it isnt underneath the outermost clear coat. Just thinking about quick fixes, especially since the warranty on the retail sticks makes them worth every penny you would waste on a potential durability of as low as a single game with a prostock, ya know?

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