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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hard to find curves, why?

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I currently am using a beat up Combat 52 Calibre and have been shopping for a new stick. A teammate of mine is using a Nexon 12, and I like the feel of it, so I looked at them on the Sher-Wood website and then off I went to my local shops. On their website, they show that the stick is offered in a curve that is very similar to the one I use, a Drury, but they are non-existent in stores. My local shops are big stores, not small with little stock.

When I inquired about they curve pattern, they all said they have never carried it. My question is, what is the point of offering the curve as an option and then not putting it out in retail stores? I know some curves are much more popular than others, but if you are going to make them, why not sell them?

Anybody have any experience with this issue, or can someone from retail explain it to me, as I am at a loss. I could look online, but that would involve a shipping fee, and my local stores could order one in but again, with added cost for bringing it in.

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Its not on Sherwood, the stores choose what they bring in. The Drury isn't one of the most popular( at least in my area) so its not found in many stores. Have you checked with the store to see if what you want can be ordered for you? If the manufacture has some the store could get a couple for you to buy.

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I dont know why they dont have it in store but, I dont think curve matters as much as hand position. Granted if you use an open blade you should get one with an open blade, but for the most point you should be able to shoot close to the same with any stick if you lean back to get it up, point the shaft at the target.

Toe curves, which I love are for puck control, frankly the best curve I ever used was a pro pattern Jagr. I think the curve is more about puck control and how you play. If you are a guy like Lucic you go straight and dont need a toe curve and a flat with a bit of a wedge is great for the chips and shots he makes. If you dangle you probably want a toe.

Point is the flex and a curve that is closes should get you where you need to be, UNTIL they release the curve you want

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I have the same issue with trying to find Sherwoods in the Lidstrom pattern. My LHS says they can't get them (probably more of a won't than can't) and Total Hockey said to go through Sherwood who leads me back to retailers ha. Only luck I've had is with Warrior and Easton.

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Stores are only going to stock what they want to sell, no matter how many patterns Sherwood offers.

Also of note, the Nexon 12 is on closeout in most retailers anyways, so it might be hard to find your preferred pattern in general.

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