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Low kick point sticks

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I've been using the Easton stealth series line since it has came out. I love the pop and whippiness of the sticks. I play at a very high level and have already broken 10 sticks this season. I am 6'3" 200 pounds and use an 85 flex with a 2" extension. I have been searching for other sticks to try out. I will only use a Hall/Sakic curve. I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on sticks that play like the rs2/v9e.

If anyone has used the SherWood EK15, Warrior dt1, or Reebok ribcor I am interested in what you have to say about them. Or if there are any other low kick point sticks. How is the RBZ "custom" kick point? And the APX2?

Thanks for the help

I know there are other topics on low kick point sticks, but I thought this was more specific so I created a new topic.

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dt1 is awesome and is very durable. its also 3" longer so you wont need an extension. it is also a very easy loading stick. the dt1 is last season top of the line and is now on sale, the dt1lt is this season top and is available for the usual top end stick price of 1 first born child. if you find your sticks torque a lot on shots and go off target there is the higher fused, but still low kick dt2 and dt1st sticks. as for curves, im not sure if there is a direct clone or close copy.

As a side note where do the sticks break usually?

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dt1 is awesome and is very durable. its also 3" longer so you wont need an extension. it is also a very easy loading stick. the dt1 is last season top of the line and is now on sale, the dt1lt is this season top and is available for the usual top end stick price of 1 first born child. if you find your sticks torque a lot on shots and go off target there is the higher fused, but still low kick dt2 and dt1st sticks. as for curves, im not sure if there is a direct clone or close copy.

As a side note where do the sticks break usually?

The W3 Henrique (formerly known as Kopitar) is the Easton Hall/Sakic curve for Warrior. I'm an E3 Hall/Sakic curve user as well & I want a DT3LT, so I looked into which curve was the closest.

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Exit, I was an exclusive user of easton sticks since the original synergy came out but within the last year decided to try something new due to the exact problem you outlined. I've since tried the APX, Total One NXG, Nexus, and Ribcor. Of those, I really really liked the APX, I thought the Ribcor was nice, and the Nexus was ok.

That said my problem was that I love the P7 Iginla curve and the only way to get a clone of that through Bauer is to customer order a stick online which is way too expensive for my liking, Reebok doesn't offer a clone.

APX's are on sale right now, try getting a Backstrom (hall clone) curve APX....I think you'd really like it. I'm a bit jealous that they don't have a retail Iginla clone on the APX. This may be anecdotal, but the Bauer's seemed noticeably more durable than Easton's. Unfortunately for me I'm back to Easton since its the only way to get my Iginla curve.

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Being a long time Easton Stealth fan I have to ask: Where are you breaking your sticks and is it indeed from shooting? I ask because there are a few threads on here about shooting and breaking sticks.

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Most of the time they are breaking in half or the bottom third of the stick. Most of the time of passes and shots.

Clarifying: the dt1lt is the warrior most like the rs? in terms of loading and release

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The dt1lt is an ultra low kick, I belive the rd sticks used their elliptical taper to get a low kick as well so kick point wise yes. For me the stick loads real easy but release quick and snappy as I noticed ive been getting off a lot more full and powerful shots in crowded situations since I got my dt1. also note that since you had an 85 flex Easton and added an extension thebflex would feel slightly less. The wiarrior will be right at 85 for you.

The apx is a great stick though do note the shaft is very rounded and is almost the opposite of the eastons bigger boxy feel. You may or may not like that, all personal preference there.

Small thought, you said that you're in a higher league? I would guess you're not the only one carrying a premium stick. Ask some team mates if you can take some shots during warmups.

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My main sticks are Eastons with the elliptical taper, and I just couldn't load a DT1 the way I wanted. Even in 75 flex it felt somehow awkward and stiff.

Based on my own and some other experiences, dagger taper sticks are definitely not the solution for everyone.

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No they are not, but still worth a look. I know a couple of people with similar situations as yours, some finally had it click and loved it, others just couldn't do it and moved it. No right answer. for me it was learning that I didn't he e to force the hell out of the shot bc it doesnt respond to that. My apx did but the warrior not so much.

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I have the EK15 right now, it's super light, I'm getting it on the ice for sticks and pucks tomorrow. I had been using a 25k which I like a lot, kicks hard, nice overall stick. Ribcor is a lighter version so you might like that. The DT1LT feels awkwardly balanced to me when I held it in the store. Seemed too blade heavy for my liking. I actually preffered the feel of their mid level dt3lt over the 1

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