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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problem with tape glue coming off on gloves (and glove reccomendations)

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So I like to do the top of my stick with just regular black or white tape (renfrew and another brand I cant think of atm). For as long as Ive been playing, When this gets rubbed, the glue comes off, and makes the grip more tacky. Unfortunately, it also rubs off on my gloves as well.

It gets so bad for me that there are times I go to take my hand off the stick, and my hand will literally be stuck!!!

Right now im using vapor 5.0, but I am looking to buy new gloves since I bought this pair a size too big. Should I be considering getting some gloves with a palm that helps prevent this? I like the fit of the vapors, and might just get the same 5.0's again, but in the right size this time. But if getting a glove with a better palm will prevent this is a option then i would do that. I know the APX and Totalone NXG have a little peice of material right where my glue build up is worst, so maybe I should consider those?


I also tried on some eagle x705 at my LHS. I loved the feel of them, but a review I saw on here made me shy away because they wore down so quickly.

And I should also note, I have had some success with using goo gone and a brillow pad and then washing to get the gunk off my gloves. I know Im probably getting more gunk than normal since I have been doing a lot of re-taping due to changing sticks, type of grips, plugs, different sticks, etc. But still if I go and spend a lot of gloves, I dont wanna have this happen to them. Almost to a point where I might use the old gloves to get a grip broken in, and then use the new gloves.

Lemme know what you think. Is this much glue normal? And are there any gloves that prevent this from happening? I know i can try using other tape, or a tacki-mac grip, but Id rather not if I can solve this issue without doing that.

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