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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Classic Hockey Games

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Just wanted to tell you... About 6 games in total. www.suprnova.org (look in TV Shows>Sport directory) Obviosly you'll need broadband & BT.

I'm watching Pens-Caps '91 right now and its phenomenal stuff... :D Such beautifull hockey. Those of us too young to have seen Lemieux and Co in his prime should not miss this!

PS Which gets me back to my "hockey's decline" thread/thoughts - what the hell has happened to our wonderfull game?!!!

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The style of game has changed alot, especially goalies styles and equipment.

Tell me about it! :D But I mean its only been 10 years or so... Terrible :(

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Internet was only invented 15 years ago. Alot of technology has advanced with equipment. The players are paid more than ever, does that have anything to do with it?

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Internet was only invented 15 years ago. Alot of technology has advanced with equipment. The players are paid more than ever, does that have anything to do with it?

I duuno... I'm still blaming everything on the League. Stupid decisions with expansion (diluting talent), letting interference rule, skill being roughed out of the game while refs just stand and watch... Much, much of this is bettman ans Co's fault!

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Internet was only invented 15 years ago. Alot of technology has advanced with equipment. The players are paid more than ever, does that have anything to do with it?

The Internet is waaaaaaaaaay older than that.

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Internet was only invented 15 years ago. Alot of technology has advanced with equipment. The players are paid more than ever, does that have anything to do with it?

The Internet is waaaaaaaaaay older than that.

The internet dates back to the ~1950's, but the modern internet as we know it today is about 10-15 years old.

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i watched Red Wings/ Oilers from '79 on espn the other day. damn was that different, the games semed much slower, but every pass hit someone in the tape, incredible. too many youths now are taught to dump, and smash the defensemen until they make a mistake.

15 years ago Gretzky scores a goal, and it was a great move

Now, Kovalchuk scores a goal and its some kind of "defensive breakdown"

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15 years ago Gretzky scores a goal, and it was a great move

Now, Kovalchuk scores a goal and its some kind of "defensive breakdown"

Great point lol

But 90's hockey is NOT different to todays game speed wise and passes were still on the tape B)

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I can't watch old hockey. It is too boring because everything has already happened and it won't necessarly effect what happens in "life" and the "game of hockey" in the near future. Basically, it is pre-determined, and I can't live with that.

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I can't watch old hockey. It is too boring because everything has already happened and it won't necessarly effect what happens in "life" and the "game of hockey" in the near future. Basically, it is pre-determined, and I can't live with that.

Just because you know the outcome of a game does not make watching it boring. If you're watching classic hockey just to see the outcome of a game, you're watching it for all the wrong reasons. You always hear about guys like Rocket Richard, Bobby Orr, The Big M, Gordie Howe, Guy Lafleur, etc. but can you honestly say you've ever seen them play? Unless you're ~40 years old, I doubt you can. After watching classic games of these legends, I had a whole new appreciation for the sport and it's just beyond me how someone can find these games to be boring.

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As one who saw them play live and grew up playing with some of these guys in the summers, I can tell you that the excitement you see was "the magic" which is missing today. I even got to see Orr play as a 12 year old peewee. (yes I am ancient...... :ph34r: and have no business being on this board....I am waiting to be accused of being a pedophile :P )

One of the greatest "old" games to watch if you can get it, was the New Years game in 1972 (or 1971) between the Montreal Canadians and the Russian Red army team....greatest illustration of "intuitive hockey"(Canadiens) against beautifully orchestrated "systems" hockey..(Red Army team). Score was 3 - 3, shots on goal 65 - 15 in favor of Montreal. Greatest game I ever had the pleasure to watch. Remember(rhetorical) the Red Army was still embarrassing NHL teams back then.

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Internet was only invented 15 years ago. Alot of technology has advanced with equipment. The players are paid more than ever, does that have anything to do with it?

The Internet is waaaaaaaaaay older than that.

I thought Al Gore invented it in his basement. ;)

The game was much more about team play on the O side back in the 80's.

You had Gretzky/Kurri, Pederson/Middleton, Mario/Jagr, Oates/Hull, Savard/Secord ....

You just dont see that many 1/2 combos with the current style of play.

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Also to note is that there was plenty of holding, clutching and interference back 10 years ago. The only logical reason I can see of why it wasn't such a problem back then is because players were smaller and had much more room out there.

Or because this took place much closer to the play than in today's current smorgasborg of systematic interference away from the puck.

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I think you hit part of it dead on. Interference away from the puck just didnt happen that much.

Keep in mind you also had guys like Gretzky, Lemuiex, Bourque, Coffey, Kurri, Savard, Yzerman ... all in their primes. Pretty amazing hockey indeed.

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i watched Red Wings/ Oilers from '79 on espn the other day. damn was that different, the games semed much slower, but every pass hit someone in the tape, incredible. too many youths now are taught to dump, and smash the defensemen until they make a mistake.

15 years ago Gretzky scores a goal, and it was a great move

Now, Kovalchuk scores a goal and its some kind of "defensive breakdown"

Guys skated much longer shifts back then so the pace was a bit slower and guys would just turn it up at times. Now most players are skating full-out for 45 seconds before changing. Coaches roling four lines doesn't help much either. With the exception of a PP most players aren't on the ice more than a minute at a time.

That does two things; first, the other guys aren't tired so they're tougher to beat and make fewer mental mistakes. Second, the stars (forwards) are on the ice much less than they used to be and they don't have as many chances to do something special.

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The training is alot different now as well. Before the season started off slower and nutrition was used the way it is today. The first 2 months of the season were like a training camp because the players dicked around in summer. They didn't work out during the season, and a steak and baked potatoe was considered a healthy pre-game meal.

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