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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Maroon Gloves Question

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I play for the Mississippi State University ACHA D3 team, and we have a team rule that gloves must be predominantly black or maroon. I am looking at options and aside from pro stocks, Warrior and Bauer seem to have the most options. I absolutely love my old pair of Vapor XXX pro 15" gloves, but they are red/black. I currently use a pair of black eagle pfx 15" gloves and because of the horrible palm feel, I removed the palm reinforcement, and the liners are gone as well. I absolutely hate them at this point, there is no feel even without the reinforcement removed, and the liner took on water and weighed the gloves down, but without it the traditional fit is too roomy. I would have gotten the 14" gloves but the fingers are too short even with the 15"s.

Currently I am looking at Warrior Bonafide X se 15" gloves or Bauer Nexus 800 14" gloves. Aside from the Bauer NXG gloves, APX, APX Pros, or Vapor X7.0's, I cant find many other options.

Glove gurus:

What are the best options for maroon gloves that would be light and have good feel??

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Warrior has a narrower for option for their franchises but they arnt that narrow. I have the opposite of your problem where I need a wide hand and shorter fingers so I use their regular fit.

For the maroon color custom is the best way to go but it'll be some time before they get to you but warrior and eagle to a great job, and with my warriors I was able.to slcuwtomize almost everything on the glove from cuff style down to assembly thread color and since you're on a team you can get your name and/or number on there too.

I would try to get to a shop though and try on gloves to see which one you like before doing anything.

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Fatwabbit: I tried that with fade proof, water proof, India ink, and the XXX's went from black/red to maroon/black. Gorgeous. But the pro nylon won't allow the ink to bind so even after washing them six times, the gloves when dry + paper towel = grey.

I don't have $250 to spend on custom warriors however much I might drool at the opportunity. And I have never been a fan of CCM. I honestly haven't used any of their equipment since I had an old orange and blue vector one-piece. Haha

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The only problem with the taping, is that it doesnt seem to be a very permanent solution. And after attempting the India ink, the gloves still run black-ish when damp and I refuse to get my white set tarnished, ya know?

I have only ever worn Bauer, Eagle, and Easton. With my finger length and hand size I am leary of trying new companies due to the poor fit the Eagle gloves had compared to the Vapors. I have heard that Bauer as a glove brand generally has longer fingers, so I was hoping I might be able to get size 14" Bauers to preserve the tight feeling interior but still provide the finger length that I need.

If anyone has an idea as to how to get the excess ink out of my Vapor XXX's I would be more than happy to try any advice. I have soaked them in a sink twice, and ran them through a washing machine/dryer cycle but still havent addressed the excess ink leakage...

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Be careful with whatever color you chose. They might surprise you what is actually maroon. Ran across this awhile back.


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I was confused about that too honestly... Purehockey has three different maroon versions of the Vapor X7.0's and there are also stock Nexus 800's and special edition Nexus 800's that offer two different shades of maroon. I have also seen "Brick red", "Phoenix red", and "Crimson" which REALLY confused the heck out of me... haha

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Car interior paint? It claims to stick to vinyl, leather, and cloth. At this point with your inky gloves, you have nothing to lose. For ink removal, I would try a 1/2 oz. of bleach to gallon of water. Not much bleach or you will destroy your foams. You would be surpirsed what a bit of chlorine bleach will do to ink...

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