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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm worried about my skates..

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about a 9 shoe(depending on brand but typically 9) and those bauers were 8.5's with a d width..

Correction I wear a size 10 shoe but I usually go up a little bit just because i usually have to get a bigger shoe for it too feel better because of the strain on the sides from my foot width

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How did you do the trace, heel against the wall? If you trace just the bottom of your foot on a piece of paper it doesn't accurately account for your heel shape. You need to put your heel against a wall and then measure to the longest toe.

Assuming your length is right, at 9 5/8 (or 24.5cm) your feet are a tad smaller than mine in length (25cm). I wear a 6D in everything but Graf which is a 6.5R. These are perfect fits for me in length, you would have 2 mm more space. But you need EE in as wide a boot as you can find, EE adds another 1 to 2 mm's in length, depending on brand, so you might still be ok in a 6 or you might even slide down another 1/2 a size.

I'm 4" in width and in a D, you have to find another 1/4 of an inch in width which isn't that hard. Nexus, Rbk, CCM in as wide as they make them. If the width still isn't right then get them stretched. A good quality boot will easily accommodate the extra mm or so you might need.

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about a 9 shoe(depending on brand but typically 9) and those bauers were 8.5's with a d width..

Correction I wear a size 10 shoe but I usually go up a little bit just because i usually have to get a bigger shoe for it too feel better because of the strain on the sides from my foot width

Just to give a comparison to myself, I usually wear a 10.5 shoe, sometimes 10 (but my right foot is slightly bigger) and I wear a size 8 skate for my bauer supreme one.7's. I Could even possibly go down to 7.5 i think. Your feet should just barely touch/feather the front of the toecap. If you have wide feet, don't go for a longer skate. They make wider (EE) skates for a reason...

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Just to give a comparison to myself, I usually wear a 10.5 shoe, sometimes 10 (but my right foot is slightly bigger) and I wear a size 8 skate for my bauer supreme one.7's. I Could even possibly go down to 7.5 i think. Your feet should just barely touch/feather the front of the toecap. If you have wide feet, don't go for a longer skate. They make wider (EE) skates for a reason...

Unfortunately i figured this out late, luckily with tax returns and some money from these skates ill be able to switch to something that works

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