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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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World Juniors

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The '85s are the deepest and stronger group of Canadians in a while. The Americans are a nice looking squad with O'Sullivan, Montoya and Schremp, but I can see Canada taking it this year. Goaltending is a question this year, but Fleury didn't play well at all last year anyways.

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I like how they picked Jeff Glass, although I am surprised that Ryan Munce wasn't at the camp. But hell...Sutter knows why he picked each person, and he knows his motives.

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I also would've liked to have seen at least one non-WHL goalies. I mean he see's all year long, he had to know one guy wasn't worthy. He shouldn't be basing his decisions only off of a 2 week camp anyways.

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I also would've liked to have seen at least one non-WHL goalies. I mean he see's all year long, he had to know one guy wasn't worthy. He shouldn't be basing his decisions only off of a 2 week camp anyways.

I agree with you, but they *players* only have so long to either be released or be kept on the team. Their teams need them, because they are star players.

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I just think it was a poor decision to take all WHLers he had to have preconcieved notions about their play. It's obviously not all about the camp because a few goalies who were VERY impressive at the summer camp weren't even invited this. I just don't see how or why they needed all 4, I mean he should know those goalies better than anyone going into camp. Why not take a chance on a hot goalie from another league? Dennis, Coleman, Ouzas, Peters? Guys having great seasons. Some have numbers reflecting it, others don't, but I think it would've been nice to give someone a shot that you don't see all year long.

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ya i wish munce went to camp and also im ruttin for Fritchse ( im sarnian)

How good is Munce? I've never seen him play, I was thinking he played for Guelph, but thats Dennis. I looked at Munce's numbers, not exactly stellar.

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American TV? Was any games even televised last year? I remember listening to the championship game on the FAN590, with the Americans and AL Montoya winning. Which was sweet, BTW. ^_^

Yeah, actually all of the games were on American TV. But I think it was on the center ice package. I watched all of them and took the week off to do it... My wife called me from work telling me that hearing the boys sing the anthem on the radio was making her tear up and I said, "well, I'm WATCHING it!" to which I got a prompt "you suck!" ;)

But since there's no Center ice this year maybe they'll be PPV? I dunno...

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I just think it was a poor decision to take all WHLers he had to have preconcieved notions about their play. It's obviously not all about the camp because a few goalies who were VERY impressive at the summer camp weren't even invited this. I just don't see how or why they needed all 4, I mean he should know those goalies better than anyone going into camp. Why not take a chance on a hot goalie from another league? Dennis, Coleman, Ouzas, Peters? Guys having great seasons. Some have numbers reflecting it, others don't, but I think it would've been nice to give someone a shot that you don't see all year long.

Coleman is an american, and as far as returning players, the US is returning 8 players from last year while adding some quality talent for this year, Schemp, I am curious to see the 2 high school players that the put on the team. No Wheeler (gretzky's pick) Hummm. Anyway I think USAhockey.com has a list of games that will be on TV for the USA team. I hope that direct tv sets something up because like it was stated before all the games where on the NHL package last year. I got my fingers crossed...GO USA

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Here's hoping for another great USA vs Canada final with gold going to the Canadians. The USA team looks pretty good this year and I know Patrick O'Sullivan is always dangerous from watching him develop with the Icedogs over the last four years.

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First thing I've said when Canada lost last year that the tournament this year was their's to loose. They have an amazing team, some say the best in years. Last year's tourny was the US's, they had an amazing team and lots of returnees from the previous tournament. Only a couple of spots were opened this year for Team Canada cause they have almost half of last year's team returning. Only doubt I have is in the goalie section, but we probably have one of the best forwards and defencemans in the tourney. I think this is the year that the curse will be lifted and Canada will be on top of the world, junior style.

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