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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Ribcor skates vs. last years 20k

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Just want to get anyone's thoughts on the new Reebok ribcor skate compared to the previous 20k skate (concerning upgrades,

performance and differences, etc). I have been using a pair of Reebok 9k pumps that are approx, 8 yrs, old and they've held up very



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I don't think the advancements on the Reebok skates have been large enough to justify the newer expensive models in the past couple years. Like the Jump to the 20k an the jump now to the Ribcor.

It does have the new holder and steel.

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Those old Canadian made 9Ks were constructed so much nicer than the newer Reeboks coming out. Haven't seen the Ribcor yet, hopefully it's the exception.

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RibCor definitely seem to be an overall improvement from the 20K. Only time will tell on durability, but from first impressions, they definitely left me with a better impression than the 20K.

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The steel alone makes me want to jump ship from Supremes to the RibCor. Bauer is really falling behind w regards to their runners, both the RBZ and RibCor steel are far superior to the fusion runner. So frustrating since I want the MX3 and I don't have a step or blackedge option.

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Other than the look, what makes you say they are falling behind on the front of the runners and steel?

  On 3/8/2014 at 6:21 AM, Amiroo39 said:

The steel alone makes me want to jump ship from Supremes to the RibCor. Bauer is really falling behind w regards to their runners, both the RBZ and RibCor steel are far superior to the fusion runner. So frustrating since I want the MX3 and I don't have a step or blackedge option.

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  On 3/8/2014 at 6:21 AM, Amiroo39 said:

The steel alone makes me want to jump ship from Supremes to the RibCor. Bauer is really falling behind w regards to their runners, both the RBZ and RibCor steel are far superior to the fusion runner. So frustrating since I want the MX3 and I don't have a step or blackedge option.

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Just go LS3.

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Fusion steel seems like a win-win for Bauer. Everyone thinks it's useless, but when you hold up skates in a shop with their preinstalled holders and steel, Bauer's getting a huge benefit from it.

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Who knows, with the Ribcor skate debuting with black speedblade steel, Bauer just might come out with their own version for the LS Edge holders. Then again, until we get actually feedback from someone skating Ribcor with the new steel, we won't know how it compares to regular speedblade steel.

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  On 3/8/2014 at 7:01 AM, grnmtnvt said:

Other than the look, what makes you say they are falling behind on the front of the runners and steel?

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Actually it has nothing to do with looks. The RibCor runner will be similar to step's black steel (not sure if they'll be similar to blackedge with DLC). And it's no secret, the fusion runner isn't great. However, I believe it's just a matter of time before Bauer releases a black/DLC runner for the Edge holder.

  On 3/8/2014 at 3:29 PM, mojo122 said:

Just go LS3.

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That's the plan. I hoping my LHS will throw in a pair of LS2 Edge with the skates simply because the 3mm increase on the edge holder plus the 3mm on the LS3 may be a little too big of a jump.

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One thing no one has really mentioned is the fact that the Ribcore is going to be cheaper than the 20k by a good deal. With a price to be about $650, its the only top end model that has dropped in price. That certainly makes it a more attractive skate than the 20k in my book.

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I'm on the fence with this, i tried on both skates (20k and Ribcore demo pair) both fit the same, however by hand anyways the Ribcore felt slightly stiffer (could just be in my head). Anyone skated on the ribcores yet?


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Does anyone know if the ankle padding is as narrow as the 20K?

The 20K felt great everywhere except right against my ankle bone. I bought a pair and wore them twice, but the pain around my ankles became unbearable after like 20 minutes.

Anyone else encounter this problem with those skates?

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I predict that the new black steel on the Reebok Ribcore is identical to the steel on the CCM RBZ but just in a different colour (black on the Ribcore)

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Has anyone else seen these skates in person, or tried them on?

I currently have 11K's, but they are on their last legs.

I bought the 20K's, but the pain on the sides of my ankle bones kills me. Wondering how the Ribcor fit will be. The foams in the 20K will not indent with the shape of my ankle bones.

Is there anything I can do to fix this problem?

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I just had a conversation today with my friend who just bought the 20k over the ribcore. Our LHS already has them and he tried on both. His feeling is that they both fit the same and both were equally stiff. He only went with the 20k because of the price difference. I actually picked up the 28k yesterday and skated in them today and I loved them. It seems to me that they run a little bit narrower than the ccm. I'm a d in ccm but a ee in Reebok. Also the new skates seem to fit the same as the models from last year that they replaced. I was actually looking for 16k at the beginning of the month but decided to just wait for the 28k and I'm glad I did. So from a fit and feel stand point it seems like it maybe a better idea to pick up the 20k and save some cash

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I'm gonna go try on both this weekend as my shop didn't have both sizes. The new holder and feel make up for some of the piece diff by not gonna lie the ribcores look awesome too

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According to Reebok, the fit on the Ribcor will be different. They are shifting the Reebok skates from being a wider skate to something narrow in the heel and in the toe box. It will be the least volume and narrowest skate of the 3 lines from ReebokCCM this year. I thought that they fit a bit tighter than the past, but I have personally never been a reebok fan, and I still didn't love the fit.

What they did to the skate is interesting with the reinforced eyelet facing and heel, the thought being it gives players ability to flex for quick cuts and moves but still gives the support when needed so you don't lose the skate under you and have it flop over or anything like that. Its a good idea. As someone mentioned the big question is with durability, but that can be said of any new skate.

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