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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok 16 k skates or?

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So at the age of 45 I am going to start to play again after being off ice for almost 20 years. Here is the thing I have never skated on anything but micron quadra flex skates ( ill fitting ones to boot) and I am nervous/curious what its going to be like with new skates. I wiegh 180 pounds and wear a size 6 skate width is between d/e. I have $300 to spend on skates and i am looking at reebok 16k skates. curious what else I should be looking at.

Thanls Willy

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If u like the 16k then wait a few weeks for the new 28k. It's just the new version of the 16k and it will be 299 at release. I was actually in the market for the 16k myself but my LHS didn't have it but said I could get the 28k April 1 so that's my plan. I just turned 40 and I'm getting back into hockey after 8 years off. Right now I'm skating in 25 year old super tacks but they are almost out of steel

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If you have $300, use some ``old-man`` patience, and try a few different models before you buy. I was a ``Bauer`` guy all my life, until I tried Grafs. They fit like ``slippers``!!!! Skates designs, shapes, and fits are sooooo different these days!!! Your skate is out there somewhere, try a few, and you`ll find it!!!!

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If you have $300, use some ``old-man`` patience, and try a few different models before you buy. I was a ``Bauer`` guy all my life, until I tried Grafs. They fit like ``slippers``!!!! Skates designs, shapes, and fits are sooooo different these days!!! Your skate is out there somewhere, try a few, and you`ll find it!!!!

lol love the answer! i am also worried about skating in a normal skate after years of skating in a solid plastic boot.

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If you have a good LHS around, they should be able to provide a good selection and proper fit at a reasonable price!!!.... My LHS even has my skate sharpening info on file, so I can adjust, if I need to! As a 40+ skater, I'm about comfort now!! :wink:

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Yup, I think the jump from the 18K to the 16K is worth it, if you can find a deal- especially on the durability front as I've had both.

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I recommend going to a local shop and getting fitted. Each skate has a different fit, which may or may not work for your foot. Working with someone knowledgable will pay dividends in comfort down the road. Reebok, CCM, Bauer, Graf, and Easton all make great skates these days imo. However, no two models fit exactly the same.

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lol love the answer! i am also worried about skating in a normal skate after years of skating in a solid plastic boot.

All skates are made from plastics/carbon fibres now. Don't worry about it.

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CCM RBZ80 is currently at $299 and has good reviews. Has a wider overally profile, similar to Reebok.

RBZ80s are $268 at most places. They go on sale for $229 once a month or so.

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RBZ80s are $268 at most places. They go on sale for $229 once a month or so.

Oh cool, where at? HockeyMonkey (my closest shop) still shows them at $299, so does Inline/Ice Warehouse, Total Hockey and Hockey Giant.

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Oh cool, where at? HockeyMonkey (my closest shop) still shows them at $299, so does Inline/Ice Warehouse, Total Hockey and Hockey Giant.

Weird. They're $268 pretty much everywhere in Canada. SportChek here puts them on sale for $229 all the time.

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spent 2 hours trying on countless pairs of skates. I didnt ask price so I could stay objective just told the guy $300 was my max. Each skate had its pluses and minuses. The final 2 were nexus 800 and reebok 16k. went with the 16k they just felt a bit better. ended up having them baked and sharpened. Total cost $185. I am glad I took everyones advice to try on a bunch.

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