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Nexus 8000 stick

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Anyone shoot this stick yet before release?

Busted my nxg last night, I have a back up that should last until the release of the 8000. Wondering if I should

Wait for it and give it a try.

I wasn't a huge fan of the nexus kick on slappers, but liked the release of the nexus on snaps/wristers But went with a nxg for the slappers. But I've noticed my game evolving more to quik wrist and snap shots so maybe thinking of switching

Any comments on it in comparison is to the mid kick on the nxg and what improvements over the nexus 1000?

Did they improve the kick on it at all over the 1000? I thought it lagged a bit

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Yes they improved the kick from the 1000. That was a key piece of feedback and they focused more on puck acceleration this year.

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I'm slightly worried the "power sense" layer is a bit gimmicky. I LOVE the idea of the benefit of it allowing my stick to not chip on the toe or bottom as this is a struggle im facing with my current NXG. It adds "no weight" and i visually do not see it. I fear we may be deceived here. But hey, who am i to question it.

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Thanks for ur feed back guys. Ok good I wasn't the only one feeling the kick was a bit lagged on the 1000.

I will be holding off and picking one up!

In terms of the chipping, I'm hard on my sticks and they usually last about two months before snapping at the shaft, so I never have blade issues. But now I'm curious I'll read the full specs of what this "power sense" layer is

Thanks again

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I haven't had a chance to try it, but if the Power Sense layer on the 8000 mimics the puck feel and dampening properties of the APX2, then it most deifnitely is NOT a gimmick.

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I had an apx2 but didn't like the shaft roundness so I sold it before really playing a game with it to notice puck feel.

I'm mostly concerned with the kick, as the 1000 really lagged on shots I found compared to the nxg.

Any blade improvements are bonus though

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I haven't had a chance to try it, but if the Power Sense layer on the 8000 mimics the puck feel and dampening properties of the APX2, then it most deifnitely is NOT a gimmick.


Couldn't stand the APX blade, absolutely loved the APX2 blade. HUUUUGE difference

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I had a real good look at one yesterday. Simply a nexus 1000 shaft with a Power sense - Aero Foam 3 heel and Power SENSE Core.

It actually felt heavy and unbalanced compared to my APX2 and TotalOne NXG.

I'm still a little unsure why Bauer feels the need to market three high end sticks but hey, they seem to be doing it right with a solid north trending stock value BAUER:CN

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Heavy and unbalanced? Wierd never seen bauer go that route with the too end sticks.

I'll hVe to wait and see when someone can shoot one, or wait till release to try one out myself

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3 different sticks for 3 different flex options.

I had a real good look at one yesterday. Simply a nexus 1000 shaft with a Power sense - Aero Foam 3 heel and Power SENSE Core.

It actually felt heavy and unbalanced compared to my APX2 and TotalOne NXG.

I'm still a little unsure why Bauer feels the need to market three high end sticks but hey, they seem to be doing it right with a solid north trending stock value BAUER:CN

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