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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf to........ forward pitched skates

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Long story short.

Have had an OLD pair of Graf Supra's since 1987, High school hockey.

They're done.

Need new skates.

There is no blade left, so the radius is tight.

Graf already has a bit of a forward pitch and with no runner left, I'm up on my toes more than usual I'd guess.

What brands/models should I be looking at, if not another pair of Grafs

Obviously, hockey technology has changed a lot since I got these baby's.

Would love to hear some thoughts on new skates.



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Long answer short: get whatever fits your foot and then adjust the pitch to match your preferences. Most likely your steel runner is already "banana-shaped", you could ask your LHS to match the profile for you.

One "fits-most" suggestion: The Easton Mako is one of the most thermo-formable skates out there (so it can work for many foot shapes, but not all), and has a very aggressive forward pitch from the start. Then again, the pitch can be adjusted on almost any skate by a talented sharpener. Bear in mind, most modern skates are quite a lot stiffer than what you are used to.

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First, set yourself a budget. Then go to a LHS and try on every skate that falls within the budget. Then pick the one that feels the most comfortable out the box. The only downside will be that you may have to adjust to a new runner pitch or have a LHS grind down your steel to create the same pitch as your 80's Grafs.

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Do the above and get your foot measured correct and try on boots at the store and see what's fits best and fits your budget and play. Boots are much stiff but most if not all can be baked and should be baked to ease the break in significantly.

You can get the runners set to match your old skate but beware as if your old runners are that worn and distorted by sharpenings you may be doing some harm getting it exactly matched

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Or, you can find a lot of classic Grafs in good shape on eBay for really cheap. It may be the smallest adjustment for you if you really like softer boots and Graf specifically.

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thanks guys.

I'm gonna go to the LHS this weekend.

I am working in GA and unfortunetly, it's not "hockey town USA" down here.

Gonna check out some new stuff.

They, via emailed had recommended CCM's and Vapors for a bit of forward pitch and can do more on the blade.

Just going to see what fits and see what happens.

If it takes a few runs at getting the pitch right, so be it, i'll do it.

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What do you think about Graf quality? I am thinking about a pair of 735's, but then new RBK's look great.

I haven't seen a new pair since the last time I saw them in Vegas. The newer skates looked good, but I haven't seen anyone in a pair of new Grafs around here in a while, so I don't really know what the actual production boots are like at the moment. The nearest shop that stocks them is a 35 mile drive.

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