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Where to find longer sticks?

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I've been playing hockey as a full grown adult for about a year now and have spent some time checking out numerous sticks to find something I really like. Recently, I got a good deal on a Warrior Widow with the extra 3" length and I have noticed how much it has helped my game. Out of curiosity, I was wondering where I could find something even longer WITHOUT going the route of pro stock. The only local team to me is the Islanders and their gear sales have had very few RH sticks as they have very few RH players. Also would like to avoid using extensions if possible. Thanks

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Why do you want to avoid using extensions? It is an easy way to make a stick that is perfect for you in every other way long enough for you to use.

An option, though expensive, is to order custom sticks with a 4" extension built onto the stick.

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Why do you want to avoid using extensions? It is an easy way to make a stick that is perfect for you in every other way long enough for you to use.

An option, though expensive, is to order custom sticks with a 4" extension built onto the stick.

Honestly, not sure. Probably the reason I choose OPS over shaft/blade: fear of separation. Do extensions add flex to the original shaft?

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As far as separation, the chances of it coming undone is pretty slim. I've only ever had a blade come loose when I was mixing and matching manufacturers and knew it was a little loose to start.

Shouldn't be a problem, especially if you tape over the extension.

You can also find composite extensions. Which aren't really worth the price, in my opinion, but the option is there.

Extensions would technically reduce the flex, as you've got a longer stick, but a wooden extension will stiffen things up a bit, higher up on the stick.

Will you notice it? Depends on how sensitive you are to it. I've never noticed a change in flex or had an issue with it. YMMV.

It's not like you have to cut your stick to add an extension or anything, so you really can't lose by trying it. It's something like $5 for a wooden extension.

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Honestly, not sure. Probably the reason I choose OPS over shaft/blade: fear of separation. Do extensions add flex to the original shaft?

depends how long the extension is that you put in

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As far as separation, the chances of it coming undone is pretty slim.

I agree with that. In my experience, the only times I've had any issues with fitting (either a blade or a plug), it was apparent right away, and just needed to be shimmed with some tape. It's not as if you'll be playing half a game and then have a problem.

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Technically the flex isn't reduced by adding an extension. What you're feeling is that you now have a little more leverage on the flex point bc the stick is longer so it's easier to bend. Depending on the length of the extension it mostly won't be noticeable.

I would go get a wood extension and see how it feels. It's only $5 by me and about 5 minutes of your time. They rarely come loose and hardly add weight. You can also shave the extension a little for a custom feel as many players do.

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I would also go for an extension. I've never seen one get loose. If an extension reduces the flex rating, then just add the extension to a stick with a higher flex rating and end up with your preferred flex.

If you really don't want an extension, BASE Hockey offers up to 6" extra as an option on their senior sticks, and 2" on their inter sticks.

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Warrior as you mentioned is 3 in longer than a lot of retail sticks.

Easton used to offer the 115-flex ST in an extra-long length, but no longer do so. You may be able to find one on closeout somewhere.

Bauer offers a 4-inch extension fused in when you order on the MyBauer site.

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