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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Opinion: best in foot protection

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I'm in the market for some new top end skates & wanted to know your experiences on the protection levels of each.

I'm looking at the Total One's, Vapor APX 2's or the Mako 2's when these come out.

What are your experiences to receiving a puck on your foot with each? I have One.6's at the moment & it hurts like hell!!

I understand some of these aren't out yet so opinions on the present models will help a lot.

Thanks all

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Those all have very different fits so pick the one that fits you best. If you want added protection skate fenders or shot blockers is what you want.

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Thanks. It's between the APX 2's & Mako 2's tbh

I'll try the fit of each out when they're released.

If both fit/flex okay for me will get the better protecting pair.

Just concerned that the Mako's aren't rigid enough externally

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Either way if it's rigid or not that skate is sitting right on your foot, if a puck hits it most of the force is going to transfer into your foot. A stiffer boot may disperse the energy a little more but I never viewed any part of a skate as protective.

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Trust me- I have taken shots in old school "ankle breakers" and stiff, modern skates and slappers hurt the same. Skate Fenders and shot blockers are the only things that give meaningful protection against clappers.

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I took a saucer pass (I do not know how fast it must have been traveling, guessing maybe 50-60 mph) to inside quarter package of my Makos, right above the holder above the arch of my foot, I felt it/ it hurt a little bit, but did not leave a bruise. I typically do not feel pain when I work out or exercise or anything, so when I actually felt it, I thought, "Oh no, that is gonna swell and I am out for the rest of this tournament." I finished my shift and just figured it would throb, I would take off my skate, and then be out of commission for the rest of the tourney. To my pleasant surprise, the throbbing stopped pretty quickly in game maybe 5 minutes after the puck hit me, and no further complications after the game. :)

I would NOT want to take a slapshot though, I would guess this would leave some damage, so I step aside when people wind up. I have the Skate Fenders Full Pro or whatever, but I notice them pushing my feet in when I wear them, and they are not comfortable, so I go without them and just avoid pucks to the feet.

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Once you decide on your pricepoint, the only consideration taken when buying skates is fit. Get the boot that fits the best. Everything else can be adjusted (i.e. different holders, different laces, profiled and radiused steel, "shot blockers", etc.).

My 6yr old One95's fit like an old pair of socks and they are the skates I broke my foot in blocking a shot. I'm on my 3rd set of holders and 2nd set of steel. I'm planning on getting new skates next month and I will be trying on MX3's, APX2's, Ribcor's and anything else they have in my size to find the best fit. I will probably even try on a Nexus 8000 just to make sure I cover all possibilities.

By the way, I will be keeping my One95's as a backup (my current backups are Vapor XXXX's)

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Little late I know, but I took what I thought was not a particualrly hard saucer pass right above my left inner ankle, and I still got a little bruise there 9 days later. I am pretty sure I will get a full heal within the next week or 2, but as someone posted prior, skates are not to be considered protective equipment. It hurt when I got hit, but I thought maybe it would be same as the saucer pass I took to the inside of the foot- a little throbbing, and then the discomfort would magically heal and I would be good to go. Not the case- I did finish the session- every stride hurt a little bit, not too bad, probably lengthened the recovery by over traumatizing the injury.

A buddy of mine has APX 2s and says they give very little protection.

I will be putting in an order for Shot Blockers once I figure out if the Mako I (which I am wearing) and Mako II (which will be my next skate when it discounts to $450) are identical in their eyelet patterns, so I can wear the same ShotBlockers for both skates.

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I have the Skate Fenders Full Pro or whatever, but I notice them pushing my feet in when I wear them, and they are not comfortable, so I go without them and just avoid pucks to the feet.

If you wear then S/M get the larger size. They are wider.

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If you wear then S/M get the larger size. They are wider.

I am 10.5 EE in Mako- I have the biggest size Skate Fender (Large something or other)- it originally fit tightly, so I opened the Fender up with heat gun, but I just could not get the shape right. My old Supremes were shaped like blocks, and the Fenders are like blocks, so the Fenders were fine. But ya know, the Makos actually contour in and out to fit with the foot (like a tennis shoe), so it is impossible to line up the Fender to match the shape of the Mako.

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