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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New GEAR stick

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So its just a TRUE stick, rebranded as GEAR.

It's more like a Combat stick, made by True Temper, rebranded as Gear. But yeah, you're right.

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Neo, you had your first sentence more accurate than your second.

The TRUE sticks are all upgraded versions of their Combat counterparts (except for the A6.0, which is the latest and greatest), so they are up-spec'd from this GEAR stuff.

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Honestly, these new ones have been received much more positively. I don't want this to turn into a product endorsement post because I work for HG, but I've been rotating it in with my QR1 and I like it just as much. Lot of pop on it, and definitely plays whippy too. kovalchuk71 was also using one this past weekend for TORHS and he had good things to say about it too.

Chadd, if this is too much, feel free to edit/delete.

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Honestly, these new ones have been received much more positively. I don't want this to turn into a product endorsement post because I work for HG, but I've been rotating it in with my QR1 and I like it just as much. Lot of pop on it, and definitely plays whippy too. kovalchuk71 was also using one this past weekend for TORHS and he had good things to say about it too.

Chadd, if this is too much, feel free to edit/delete.

Yes. I purchased one this weekend from HG and got to use it as well. I was impressed. What made the stick work better for me was the fact that it actually felt like a 75 mid kick stick. It wasn't like the NXG, where the 77 feels like an 85. Besides that, everything else about it felt like/screamed Combat. I have no issues with that either, as I really liked my Combat sticks when they were around (52 Cal Reloaded). Is it worth the $199? I don't think so. But it is not a crappy stick. It competes balance/weight wise with the $249.99 sticks.

We will see how long it lasts.

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$199 is a horrible price point for anybody to be in. Gear is best known for being the first OPS in various lower price point categories, no?

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I'd like to see sales data from a large chain to back that up, as unlikely as I am to obtain that. Not necessarily disagreeing with you Buzz, as I know you have a store yourself. The SE16s are great btw, thanks once more!

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Any stick that performs well and has a sub-200 price tag can sell well. See; EK15

The EK15 (and this Gear stick) is competing in the same price point as the big 3's discontinued sticks. My LHS brought in Nexus 1000 and RS2 closeouts which outsold the EK15 by a wide margin. Not to mention you have the pro returns in the picture too.

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