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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well I didn't mean to start any kind of arguement here so I'm done lol. I still love my car even if it's (cough)slow(cough) <_<

But I guess that if I ever end up doing anything to it then it could be a pretty good sleeper eh?

The new Mustangs are really nice from what I've seen, esp. for $25K.

I saw a 05 Silver GT Convertible on the Highway on the way home from hockey and he was flying. I thought just for the hell of it I'd try to keep up with him, when I was doing 90-100 he had to have been doing like 120, I let off at that point but it was pretty sweet though.

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It's cool, I didn't mean to ruin your thread.

The new ones are nice. I wish the GT had a little more jump but part of the reason they are so popular is that they are pretty easy to work on and mod up for more power. Plus this is just the base version of the GT, they will have a lot of hooked up versions in the coming years.

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It's all good. I think they're going to have the GT-R instead of the Cobra next year and I hear that it'll have over 400HP.

But hey, I saw this and thought it was pretty funny:

Twas the ricer before christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and caught at the light,

Was a domestic V8 and no cops in sight,

I will try, I will try, I will try with this small motor,

To beat this damn Mustang, even with my big blower,

As light goes green and I pull like no joke,

The Camaro erupts in clouds of tire smoke,

Now Smasher, now Rev-ver, now Stroker, now Blitzin,

These are the names of my four VTEC pistons,

Racing ahead I'm the Star of the action,

But I know I'm in trouble when that V8 gets traction,

Grabbing second, I hear the RPM sing,

My mirror is blocked by my Shopping Kart Wing,

I now hear the roar, of that big monster gaining,

All I can do is keep that four-banger straining,

In a second, the shockwave hits with a blast,

And my stickers go flying now, a thing of the past,

Don't bother with third, cause now it's too late,

Just try to act cool, like you can relate,

Looking up at the taillights as they get smaller,

The driver backs off just to give me a holler,

"You can't win them all," he says in fling,

and "You may not win any in that silly thing,"

I smiled and revved as he pulled out of sight,

With my new mods tomorrow...I may put up a fight.


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It's all good. I think they're going to have the GT-R instead of the Cobra next year and I hear that it'll have over 400HP.

I'm pretty sure the GT-R is just a concept car built to show off the new platform. I think they are going to market the engine to racers though. I saw pictures from this year's SEMA show and they are doing a lot of really cool things with the 2005. Roush, Saleen, and Steeda all had really cool cars on display along with several smaller companies. The new Mustang won some award for being accessory friendly so that will only help the market for aftermarket customization.

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Street Racing is the most idiotic thing that you could do....It shows no skill in driving, it puts peoples lives in danger, it doesn't prove how good your car is, and can get your car demolished (in CA at least)...

Take it to the track guys...Don't live your lives "1/4 mile at a time!"

Here is a link of my car going nicely around a Corvette ZO6....In a straight line, he may beat me, but on the track, it is no contest....

Click and save as:


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Street Racing is the most idiotic thing that you could do....It shows no skill in driving, it puts peoples lives in danger, it doesn't prove how good your car is, and can get your car demolished (in CA at least)...

Take it to the track guys...Don't live your lives "1/4 mile at a time!"

Here is a link of my car going nicely around a Corvette ZO6....In a straight line, he may beat me, but on the track, it is no contest....

Click and save as:


WHen his hands outside the window what's he doing?

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I have an EVO 8....I love to take on these so called muscle cars...Great in straight line, but that's about it....Smoking Porsches, Mustangs, Corvettes, etc...Its fun...

The benefits of AWD and Road Race Engineering JIC Suspension setup...lol

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Good choice getting rid of the stock altezzas, and the RPF1's look sick on there, but why'd you ditch the stock recaros? I'm guessing those are torinos? I always thourhg the stock recaros felt a lot better than those, but maybe it's just me. Do you go to Willow much? I have a few friends that run down there a lot.

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Justin what mods have you done to your Evo? When I get enough money im gonna get a Subaru Impreza STi. or a Lacer Evo. But ill prolly end up getting a 86 Toyota Corolla hatch which is a awesome drifting car. Right now I have 87 Honda Accord hatch. I wanna put a b16 in it and add intake/exaust/headers. It has alot of accelleration but it only has 120 hp and I cant drift in it because its front wheel drive.

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Here's my car (Honda Civic SI), pretty beat up but runs smoothly.

Almost everthing's stock.


Not a lot of racing, I calmed down especially after hitting the

curb trying to take a freeway exit at 40mph.

Now I drive like a grandma on the freeway, only 50mph!

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Justin what mods have you done to your Evo? When I get enough money im gonna get a Subaru Impreza STi. or a Lacer Evo. But ill prolly end up getting a 86 Toyota Corolla hatch which is a awesome drifting car. Right now I have 87 Honda Accord hatch. I wanna put a b16 in it and add intake/exaust/headers. It has alot of accelleration but it only has 120 hp and I cant drift in it because its front wheel drive.

look for the old silvia s13. there amazing drifting cars.

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that thing can bet porsches? yah right?!?I'm sorry but I'm not into the whole "Evo" dealio....

however, I wouldn't mind an IS300 stock...or an S4...or a caddy STS...probably not as fast...but much more comfortable I'd bet

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