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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Biggest slump you had?

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Haven't scored a goal since I cut my half mullet five games ago.

Lol I had a Mullet and I scored and I cut it off and I suck.

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Ok back from the game we won 10-3 and my goal slump...........................is not over.

4 assists

6 minute of penality (2 x slashing and one cross check)

Now even the goalie in my team is making fun of my slump he is telling me that Marc-andre Fleury as more goal then me (cause of last year when he scored in his own goal)

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Right now, I have 8 Goals - 8 Assists in 11 games...Not a good year for me in points right now but I like the things I can do on the ice and I enjoy it so much and I think this is the most important thing...

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Ok back from the game we won 10-3 and my goal slump...........................is not over.

4 assists

6 minute of penality (2 x slashing and one cross check)

Now even the goalie in my team is making fun of my slump he is telling me that Marc-andre Fleury as more goal then me (cause of last year when he scored in his own goal)

Next practice, show'em you can aim...right in the balls or on the helmet, it's up to you. If you can't hit where you aim, then shoot till you can. ;)

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I have 5 G 0A and 18 PIM in 11 games, this is my best year ever :blink: You guys should be happy your scoring as much as you are. I'm captain of my team too and not the leading scorer. Only my second full season and third year of ice hockey though. I only had 2 G 2 A and 6 PIM in 20 games last year.

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I went a hole season with only 2 goals and 44 passes (40 game season)

It became the biggest joke on the team that I just could not score, I was even looking to pass on a breakaway :(

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I've had some pretty long slumps, but I'm more of a plumber anyway. Probably gone 20 games several times in Midget or younger. This year, playing 4 nights a week on 3 different teams, and playing both wings, D, and a little center, I've had a 10-game and 8-game goal-less streak.

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Last season I started strong with 3 goals and 3 assists in the first two games. Then, I didn't score again (or get another assist) until the last game, and got one goal and one assist.

I did get one more of each in the first round of playoffs, but we lost. :( :(

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I have 5 G 0A and 18 PIM in 11 games, this is my best year ever :rolleyes: You guys should be happy your scoring as much as you are. I'm captain of my team too and not the leading scorer. Only my second full season and third year of ice hockey though. I only had 2 G 2 A and 6 PIM in 20 games last year.

You're my hero. I was 4g 0a in 6 games at one point this season though.

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In my first season of roller hockey only managed 2 goals in 10 games. Sorta redeemed myself in the playoffs by scoring 3 but we lost <_< . Last season scored 8 with 6 assists. I am unfortunately an opportunity scorer and can't take over games like when I was younger :(

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Im not in much of a slump right now. A bit more than a goal a game and an assist here and there but 2 years ago my first season playing varisty hockey as an 8th grader I scored in my first game. PLayed 25 more games scoring 0 lol.

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I've had a brutal last 5 games until last night (must have been the Xmas break).

Prior 5 games = 3 assists total

Last Night = 2 Goals 3 Assists

I just hit the ice with a "whatever happens - happens" attitude rather than pressure myself - worked out well.

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this one time i went an entire period with out scoring, j/k longest without a goal is probobly around 4 games in high school. We did have a kid last year who had only 1 assist in 37 games and in the 38th he scored but it went all the way around the back of the net and came out and the ref never even saw it go in. glad im ont that unlucky

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Last year I scored 2 goals in the first 3 games, then didnt score until the last game of the season, 32 games later. But this year I redeemed myself I scored 12 goals and 9 assists in 25 games, so i was pretty happy

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I just hit the ice with a "whatever happens - happens" attitude rather than pressure myself - worked out well.

One of the BEST pieces advice I'd ever been given. Said it to one of juniors a few weeks back too. He now skates with a smile which hadn't been seen in a very long time. :)

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Well it wasn't the longest slumps I've had but to me it seemed like the worst week of my life, ok we start on sunday. I hit the post twice, monday hit the post again, choke on some pretty good chances, wednesday while playing soccer in dryland for fun get hit in the groin :o, thursday ask this girl out.......... get turned down :( , saturday get ONE assist :D

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