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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood Blade Extinction (R, 3/8")

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Hi Guys,

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving (US).

I still use wood blades, mainly for roller/street and off-ice practice. Last year, I was able to buy a few bundles of 2012 Easton models, but they are all gone.

Traditionally, I use a right 3/8" curve such as the historic progression of the Modano/Zett/Forsberg/Cammalieri/etc. A 3/8" slight curve with little to no open face. I've looked at comparables such as Bauer PM9 and Reebok Duchene and just can't find any wood blade like this anymore. Most companies just offer composite. Some other large companies where I can finds wood blades only seem to offer 1/2" as their slightest curve depth. Even ebay's selection is lacking.

I've stumbled across a some Montreal blades, but can't seem to get any definite answers on blade specifications. Can any of you please help me if you happen to know comparables to that style of Easton blade? Any other suggestions?

Custom orders a good option? Who would be able to do this the best?

Came across this site, for instance:


I really appreciate your time and help,


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Those blades in your link look to be made by people from Christian Brothers. Those were the best wood sticks/blades, in my opinion, that you could buy. Their brand name 11 must come from the name of the Highway that Christian Brothers manufacturing facility was on in Warroad, MN. I got to tour that factory as a kid and it was like going to heaven.

If you have a blade you like, you can mail it to them and they will make a copy for you. I would give it a try.

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I'm in a similar situation trying to find a tapered righty wood blade. I've been using the Easton Mako's for awhile, but everyone seems to only have lefties stock. Does anyone know if Easton is dis-continuing these blades? It seems weird every site would run out of stock.

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Good luck finding some wood blades, heck, it is hard enough finding anyone who even carries blades at all these days, let alone a decent selection.

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Good luck finding some wood blades, heck, it is hard enough finding anyone who even carries blades at all these days, let alone a decent selection.

Just called Easton and was told they've completely discontinued all shafts/blades, not just the wood stuff.

Whelp some people call me a hoarder but it looks like I was actually just planning ahead the whole time.

I've got a bunch of Tapered Mako 2 shafts and a ton of Bauer P89 Tapered blades to fit.

Glad I prepped before I heard this news.

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