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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Asian Tomatoe

Sticks closest to STX Stallion 500/ profile of stallion

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What current stick is closest to the stx stallion/ what is the profile on the stallion?

This has been my favorite stick since the xn10 but I'm trying to see if there are other sticks in different brands like it.

Scrounging through the threads I gather that it's a mid kick.

Just for information sake I'm curious to know if it's like the Bauer g3/nexus profile or what equivalent it would be in a pro stock Reebok code if anyone knows??

I haven't had a chance to try them but some people have said to try an ek15 or t120 if I like the stx stallion. Maybe the tacks?

If only those xn10s were still around...

Thanks guys.

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I only used the stallion for about 40 minutes at winterfest, but to me it played a lot differently than my ek15. I haven't used the 120 but my guess is that it would be closer to that.

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I found the Stallion to have a traditional mid kick and a very stiff blade. The Nexus 8000 would probably be close. I found the Tacks to be similar too. YMMV

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The stiff blade was the first thing I noticed. It really helped with. My shot accuracy.

I've never been really sensitive to kick point or blade stiffness until recently when I started playing more and noticed that all types of shot improved with the stallion coming from an eq50 or two piece taper shaft Mako with a Bauer blade.

I'll have to try out those sticks.

Which stick has a stiff blade like the stallion? My experience has been Easton plays fairly soft. Stiffest blade besides the stx has been those pro stock mission taper blades and some pro stock Reebok one pieces

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New Sher-Wood sticks. I've tried the EK15 and used the T120 only for a couple of times now but I can recommend them if you prefer a very stiff blade.

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