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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oversize Lacrosse Chest pads ever used in Hockey?

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I want to start by saying that seeing the slow evolution of how large pads are getting is not something I am a fan of, but it looks like a reality. Seems like everyone has bigger pads than me. More and more manufacturers are producing pads that are bigger and have features built in to make stops, more so than to just protect.

Given that, has anyone ever heard of a goalie using the ridiculously large pads that some of the Lacrosse guys do? I am actually surprised that I have never heard of this happening. If you don't know what I am taking about, Lacrosse goalies no longer use hockey gear when they play, there are now special pads mad just for them, and some of them are just laughably enormous, take a look below if you have not seen what I am talking about:

Has anyone ever heard of someone that used something like this on ice?
Is there any reason that someone who did something like this would not have as big of an advantage as they would appear to have?

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Maneuverability might be a problem. I mean, in lacrosse, you're on foot, and I don't think lacrosse goalies really have all the up and down that hockey goalies do. (but I haven't seen box lacrosse played, so...)

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There's a definite lack of mobility in the LAX C/A's. LAX goalies don't "catch" - so imagine almost having two blockers. Their arms mainly remain at their sides unless they're throwing a pass. As a lacrosse goalie, you're playing moreso a game of angles than you are as a hockey goalie. The net is smaller and you have a humongous crease, but players have great reach with their sticks and you don't have great mobility on pavement or grass. I don't think you'd have the ability to move your arms enough while wearing a LAX C/A unless it was modified.

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