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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New CCM ultra tacks stick

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That's always been my biggest knock against CCM...But last year they released the Galchenyuk and now this year a P92 clone, so a step in the right direction. P92 and variants are the most popular curves in my region.

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Wait... I thought the nuge was a p92 clone? No?

although ccm/reebok has been pushing the P87A/RNH curve as their sakic/P92 equivalent, it's not really a clone. it is a touch less deep, slightly flatter lie and more heel than toe/mid curve.

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That's always been my biggest knock against CCM...But last year they released the Galchenyuk and now this year a P92 clone, so a step in the right direction. P92 and variants are the most popular curves in my region.

Me too. I really like the CCM sticks, but refuse to use the RNH. I despise it. Very excited about the H11A coming to retail.

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