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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fat Buzz

Question on CCM stick (fake or just weird?)

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Teammate brought this to me tonight to look at.

He ordered a CCM RBZ stage 2 Nugent-Hopkins retail, and he received this weird crap that looks like it was poorly fitted with graphics.

The seller is dropping excuses like "sometimes pro stock gets mixed in with our shipments... Blah blah blah"

It's not pro stock- I say it's fake, but figured I'd ask you guys before he goes and accuses someone. Is there another possible explanation for this?

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/OPevxqh.jpg"alt="Uploaded with Imgupr" />

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/ay5o0lM.jpg"alt="Uploaded with Imgupr" />

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/atVNimO.jpg"alt="Uploaded with Imgupr" />

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/xFMB5yB.jpg"alt="Uploaded with Imgupr" />

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He 'ordered', as in the CCM dealer ordered a Stage 2 through CCM?

No. He 'purchased' it from an online joint. Not a major retailer.

After looking at responses in a different topic, I checked the serial sticker. It looks different than mine do... all 3 of mne look the same.

In case anyone knows about this stuff-

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/aEXdYDD.jpg"alt="Uploaded with Imgupr" />

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Buzz, I went to the site and I personally wouldn't ever consider giving them my money. One of those things where they have a website, and they go on ebay (a whopping 8 transactions), and any social media they can. I believe that my friend saw them on ebay, and then used that info to actually find the website.

I just haven't blasted out names or sites, because I don't know the policy on that in here... as well as, I would hate to start a smear campaign if this is somehow a legit stick.

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I would sway towards it being fake, looking at the overall discoloration of the Decals, how they are cut and the sizing, this would not be something that would come off the line, with there standard process. If you have the actual barcode for the stick SKU not the warranty code that might be a better indicator if it is a fake.

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If you have the actual barcode for the stick SKU not the warranty code that might be a better indicator if it is a fake.

The two stickers in my photo are the only ones on the whole stick. I seem to recall that there should be a couple more near the butt end of the shaft. (I have grips covering all that shizz on my sticks, so I can't say what they are)

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