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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wrist Guards

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I use the shock doctor jobbers. Mainly because my arms are really long and my elbow pads end up short. Frankly I put them on and forget about them. Never had an issue....

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I wore them for a few years until I finally bought extended length elbow pads. The separate wrist guards do the job fine ( I used the bauer ones), but I found I prefer the elbow pads being longer. They don't retain as much sweat and odor, and it's two less things to get lost in the bag. Aside from the older Eastons and Jofa/Reebok 8k ,Warrior just released a model with extended forearm protection.

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Wore a set of the RBK 4" ones for a while before i found a set of 9177 Pros with the extended slash guard.

Didn't find them all that cumbersome, or that they had any effect on shooting or handling, just didn't like the smell after the games and the fact that the plastic insert would rotate around to the inside during play leaving the lower part of my forearm exposed.

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I wore them for a few years until I finally bought extended length elbow pads. The separate wrist guards do the job fine ( I used the bauer ones), but I found I prefer the elbow pads being longer. They don't retain as much sweat and odor, and it's two less things to get lost in the bag. Aside from the older Eastons and Jofa/Reebok 8k ,Warrior just released a model with extended forearm protection.

What model for the Warriors? Thanks!

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I like the Eagle FCRs. I also have a pair of Eastons.

Both models have popsicle-stick plastic inserts all the way around.

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When I used to be a catcher/played baseball I used Evo shield wrist guards. I broke my wrist one hockey season and wore one on that wrist for a few weeks while it finished healing. Awesome product. Completely moldable and super comfortable.

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I like the Eagle FCRs. I also have a pair of Eastons.

Both models have popsicle-stick plastic inserts all the way around.

I have the Easton version of these and they offer good protection while being comfortable to wear too.

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