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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi guys. I'm curious. Sometimes I slide around during the game on purpose, whether on defense, or offense. I like this technique. How often do you use it, and does it work for you?

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slide tackling in order to take someone out? its unnecessary. In soccer, its used in order to fend for the ball, but you only have your feet to use, and can be legal if contact is simultaneous. I would never take someone out in inline like this, or use the possibility to injure someone in a league that doesn't really matter all that much. Proper positioning, hustle, and stick technique makes this not necessary for me in hockey of any type.

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I really hate it when people slide at my legs on purpose. I am out there to have fun and I have to go to work the next day. I totally agree with Stewie, dangerous and unnecessary.

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I guess when I read the word tackle I assumed you were coming in low at my legs to knock me off the puck. I don't really see why you would want to leave your feet other than to black a shot, and even then, not always a great move. I think you can reach way further with your stick while upright. And if you miss, you are not sliding like a fool at empty space. I have seen people do weird stuff like slide at pucks like in soccer, but they always seem to be the out of control guy clipping people low/tangling them up, drawing the dumb penalty. Just my opinion, but I think staying on your feet so you can still skate with the play is always preferred.

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I just don't think its very efficient and still dangerous. First, in soccer, your sliding on a semi slick surface, grass, vs tile. Also, you're wearing bottom heavy metal chassis and wheels, in an environment where people are going very fast and its difficult to stop. I just think there's too much opportunity for serious injury and I have much more efficient means to get the puck away or force someone into a more difficult shooting position.

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I'll sometimes slide stomach down to take away the pass when defending a 2 on 1, could this be what we're talking about? The words "tackle" and "sliding for the puck" definitely sound dangerous and give the wrong idea if this is what is being talked about.

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Sliding on your body or sliding on your wheels aka hockey stop? If the former then no, why would you bother losing all that speed and energy when you can just skate? If the latter then it is really poor technique. You are losing speed which makes it easier for opposing players to track you, take the puck off you etc.

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