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Tuuk vs CXN (on Mako and possibly VH skates)

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Just wondering how many people had the chance to try both and what they think. I switched to mako over a year ago and although the boot fits great, I always wonder if I might like the combination of mako/tuuk might be better for me.

Im between sessions right now, but have a game tomorrow. I have been doing a lot of roller in the mean time, so I think if I wanted to try out tuuk this would be a good time since its gonna feel awkward to get back on the ice anyway. (I use marsblades btw, so it does help with that)

Heres what I think of CXN vs tuuk over the past year:

*Forces you to always have bent knees, which is probably a good thing.

*Seems like my top speed and acceleration is faster

*doesnt feel as stable as tuuk - which is weird because they have the same radius, so it must have more to do with the shape of the blade than anything else

*dave cruikshank designed, and says its optimal for speed (which i think is true, but maybe its not best for hockey)

*tuuk is used by way more nhl players, and I even see people with mako/vh skates with tuuk holders.

I might try it out tomorrow, but its gonna have to be a month or so of trying because 1- I have been playing roller so im gonna be a little messed up at first anyway, and 2- When switching from cxn to tuuk, it takes me a while to get used to the different stance, especially when accerlating. The angle of how you are pushing out is different and it takes some time for your muscles to adapt. (I personally think this is why people dont like cxn at first - but maybe if they stuck it out for a month or so they would? - idk not sure hopefully ill know more in a month.)

So whats everyone think. Anyone have experience with both?

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I've been replacing my Tuuks with CXNs and step steel since they came out. I like the bolt system better than the trigger, and the forced knee bend helps me a lot. I travel a lot and I like the security of having external runner hardware so I don't need an equipment manager to scramble to help me should a blade break.

Oddly enough my only skates with Tuuks are my VH. The boot is so aggressively pitched I don't need the CXN enhancement on those.

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The only advantage to putting a Tuuk on would be it's neutral balance, and then that's if your skating style needs to neutral to be optimum. Most skaters skate better being forward. In addition, if you do change out the stock holder, you will have problems with loosening rivets.

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If you really want to go Tuuk you can always had a heel lift to achieve the aggressive pitch of the CXN. I did that with my Mako's when I was skating in them since I had a good investment in nitinol steel and wanted to stay with that. I had a problem with the rivets loosening and would have to have them fixed on a regular basis. Wasn't a problem for me, just the for the guy sharpening my skates.

To be honest, if I didn't have the nitinol steel I would have just stayed with the CXN setup.

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Also, would ad, if one doesnt like the aggresive pitch of the CXN, they can put in STEP runners which do not have pitch on them, and even have the CXN runners radiused with a reverse pitch to offset some of the forward lean. I've done this for quite a few over the last couple of years and they seem to like it.

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Lou, I'm planning on doing the above with grabbing some SS runners. I just want to see if I benefit at all from a slightly less aggressive profile, still using CXN holders. I've actually had the same experience as you thus far - Better speed and acceleration, but sometimes lack of balance (due to being so far over the toes).

I haven't had the time yet, but I'll probably be ordering SS with a 9' radius and a minor or medium forward pitch... whatever the guys at No Icing advise for me. I don't want to remove my holder because they are my only pair of skates for ice.

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