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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synergy HSG Girdle

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Has anyone worn one of these yet? I just saw these in the store, and I'm wondering if the hip and thigh padding is sufficient as it seems pretty light.

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Wearing it as a replacement for my NXG Pants. Very comfortable, very protective.

What shell are you wearing with the HSG girdle? How is the length of them as I found my Bauer Total One NXG's too short?

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Girdle comes with a shell. Black. The length on them are fine, perhaps a touch longer than the NXGs

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I haven't used the HSG girdle, but did try it on out of curiousity in Large and XL when I saw it in a store. The Large felt good around the waist, but was too tight in the thigh area even when adjusted to the loosest setting. The XL felt OK once adjusted, but I still prefer the Projekt I'm using (only based on trying it on and moving around in store - on ice could be a different story).

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