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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove material

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I have been out of the game for a while. What happened to the synthetic and leather gloves? When I think back my favorite gloves were all leather. I had several pair of Easton GX 1350s the palms were shot before any of the rest of the gloves even showed any were. Heck I still have a pair that are in great condition I am contemplating wearing. They are not even broke in yet. Last pair of gloves that I bought and used (had a bad habit of buying gloves and not liking them) were Mission HE 750. Loved those gloves as they made me retire the Eastons.

I get the weight thing. The eastons are tanks, but the Missions are as light as the gloves I am

seeing now. As I remember the lower end gloves were always polyester knit. Now even the higher end gloves are. I recently purchased some Sherwood higher end gloves and they are already showing wear on the fingers. Not to mention I enjoy playing roller as well and wont even think of wearing these there because they are already showing wear. Even my team mates have made the comment they don't make gloves to last. I don't get it. Well I am off to ebay to try to find some old stock gloves.

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Maybe the nylon gloves are lighter?

I'm trying to make my Eagles last for the same reasons as you mention above.

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Leather gloves for roller is a really bad idea. Any time the leather touches the sport court it will catch and stick and then next thing you know you're going face first into the ground.

After a couple of near concussions I threw my leather gloves in the trash and went and picked up a pair of nylon gloves and they've been excellent, at least twice as light, easy to clean and dry (no bacteria growing in those things), I had the top hand glove re palmed and they're still going strong it's been like 5 years.

The cleaning and drying part really is one of the main benefits, hockey gloves are one of the most rank pieces of equipment on the planet and if you don't clean and dry them shit will grow in them, then you'll get a slash or take a shot to the hand and get a cut = instant infection. Drying is also extremely important for durability, you leave anything wet and it will disintegrate in no time, these things dry way easier than any leather gloves I had. With leather gloves they would still be wet the next day, with nylon I don't have that problem.

Easton eq50s have lasted me a long time, I've also picked up a pair of reebok 9k and those have been even better, awesome durability and super comfortable, even better palms. I've had a few team mates that tried mission gloves and had them just fall apart on them.

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I just don't see any benefit to leather or synthetic leather gloves anymore. If there's no benefit, there's no reason for companies to keep making them.

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