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Toronto Maple Leafs 2015-16

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Looks like Babcock is already paying dividends... z8UKnTw.jpg

Oh who am I kidding, the Mets would have beat the leafs if they had been playing hockey.

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I heard that their is a push to re-locate UMD Bulldogs to Toronto to the folks there can see good hockey.

Truth is as bad as they are I actually like the Leafs and have their jersey.

The Leafs would win the cup if they would just put 15-18 players on the squad from da range and twin ports.

They could it on a couple from Strathroy just to keep the locals happy.

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Picked up Michael Grabner from the Isles. That could be huge, or it could be next to nothing.

I've long thought he's at least a top 6 forward. His speed and shot are top-notch. His vision is really good too. If he were allowed to take chances and given PP time, I could easily see him getting 40 goals for the first time. When he's healthy, he can almost sneeze his way to 20 goals.

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The part I'm most excited about is that they sent Gibson to NY, which means Sparks is going to take over for the Marlies. Who knows, maybe he'll be an NHL goalie by the time I get to hang out with him next summer at GGSU camp :)

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The Toronto Maple Leafs will unveil a new logo and new uniforms as part of next season’s centennial celebration.

I hope they don't do anything drastic. One of the better uniforms in the league.

New vendor, new jerseys. You'll be seeing a lot of teams doing it, Adidas wants to make as much money as they can and new jerseys always sell better than old ones.

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New vendor, new jerseys. You'll be seeing a lot of teams doing it, Adidas wants to make as much money as they can and new jerseys always sell better than old ones.

It looks like they will be making a lot of money with the new look and it is about time. I wonder if they will go with a different shade of blue to make it really drastic.

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