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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After being out of hockey now for a few years I want to get back into playing, maybe just spending the summer shooting off a skill pad .

I am just thinking basic as far as sticks. I always enjoy the two piece sticks and am looking now at a Bauer supreme one.5 87 flex shaft with a Bauer vapour blade in a p92 backstrom pattern.

Pretty much something to shoot pucks with for the summer and maybe upgrade come fall.

As always I look forward to answer from you guys


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One.5 is a pretty low end shaft. You can do a lot better bang for your buck if you're committed to a two piece set up. Cruise the clearance sections of some of the larger retailer websites out there. Example: Sherwood T90 Standard Shaft at HM for $10 more than what a One.5 goes for on pure now. http://www.hockeymonkey.com/sherwood-hockey-shaft-t90-sr.html

Beyond that, I'm not sure I'd go with a two piece at this point in the game because:

1) Most manufacturers are discontinuing shafts and blades as separate items, which will make pattern availability quite difficult

2) You can buy a late model pretty high end one piece for the same or less than a shaft and blade combo. e.g. Synergy 7.0 for 70 all in http://www.totalhockey.com/product/Synergy_7.0_Grip_Composite_Stick/itm/16174-41/?mtx_id=0. You can get a V7, V9, V9e, and a number of other sticks at a similar price.
3) Why pay for a stick you're going to use for 3 months and then maybe decide to upgrade again later. If you're getting an absolute deal on the One.5 and Vapor blade combo (like below $30) that's one thing, but if you're just trying to spend less now to eventually spend more later, you're not really doing yourself any favors -- especially with a lot of decent sticks on clearance during the summer offseason.

So I'd either get a better shaft for your money or just go in on a one piece now and don't double spend later to upgrade.

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Thanks for all the tips I appreciate that

I'd be getting the stick and blade for about $50, plus your right about why pay for a lower end one now and double spend.

You guys are a wealth of information here. Thanks again for the help

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Hi guys

Was out today doing some shooting. Not a lot on them as I haven't shot a puck since my wrists were injured in a bike crash. The only thing today was blisters on my thumbs, nit much I can do about that though until they callous

Was fun though

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Hi guys

Was out today doing some shooting. Not a lot on them as I haven't shot a puck since my wrists were injured in a bike crash. The only thing today was blisters on my thumbs, nit much I can do about that though until they callous

Was fun though

Wear gloves. No more blisters.

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Sorry fellas forgot to drop back in until now, just browsing the net before work,

I was able to try out a few sticks at the shop as they have a area to shoot pucks. I tried a couple and the one that felt best to me was the Bauer vapor x700 so I went with it.

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