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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shimming inside boot?

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Understandably, this could create some depth/volume problems, but if the boot is deep enough that the shim wouldn't interfere with a players instep, is there any disadvantage to putting some heel lifts inside the boot rather than shimming between the holder and outsole just to try out different heights?

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I would be concerned with it moving around when skating unless it was shaped perfectly for the boot. If just for general fitting, it might work.

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Give it a try, my old Easton S15's had shims that come with the skates like chippa13 mentioned. It's only going to be trial and error tbh, there are a few potential problems that may arise but dose it really matter as you can always take them back out.

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Almost the same.

Of course I don't say they are completely the same but nothing difference to add the same height. And inside shim / foot bed usually cause such problem because foot bed can't be fixed enough and also boots' inside shape is complicated. Out side shims can be fixed tightly by many rivets. No need much to think about its shape and able to use solid material. Additionally you can use other custom insole as Sidas.

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Shimming inside the boot can change the way the heels and ankles fit. Just something to keep in mind. If you're worried about the shim moving, use some double sided tape between the shim and the inner sole.

I had shims like that in my Stealths, never really had an issue, but this was something Easton included.

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