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How to remove a stuck wood extension

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So I just started using my 1X sticks and added a 1 inch extension because I liked that length with my nexus 1000. Now after a couple of games I wanted to remove them but when I went to pure hockey and they put them in a vice and heated it up they couldn't get it out. I don't know if maybe it's because they didn't heat all of it up properly or what but apparently the guy put tape around the bottom of the extension. Sure I can cut it out but I'd rather get it out but don't want to ruin the sticks because I got the butt end too hot. Any ideas?

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1. Drill through the plug, big enough for a bolt to fit through, you can step on it and pull up after heating

2. Drill into the plug, make the hole progressively larger until you can remove it in pieces

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Ah HA! So you DID end up having trouble with the wooden end plug in that stick after all!

Just kidding, just kidding. Yeah, after all the trouble I went through of forcing my wooden end plug into my 1X, I also had one hell of time trying to get it back out. Buzz_LightBeer's advice is the way to go, though I personally employed the much more crude method of heating up the top of the shaft to the point of bubbling the paint, standing on the stick with one foot, clamping a wrench down on the butt end, and then yanking like a muhvugga. Got the job done just the same.

On a side note, I installed the 1X-specific extension last night and it fits much, MUCH better. Don't know that adding an extra quarter inch to my stick was worth $15, but at least I didn't have a stroke putting it in.

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Tip, whittle the corners off the wood plug before inserting. Square plug inserts don't fit well in rounded corner shafts. If you shave them down, they'll be easy to remove later.

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1. Drill through the plug, big enough for a bolt to fit through, you can step on it and pull up after heating

2. Drill into the plug, make the hole progressively larger until you can remove it in pieces

If you do 2. above, you can cut a V notch with a reciprocating saw and chisel that into the shaft. Then you can either pull the rest of the plug out, or split the rest of the wood with the grain (it's OK if some of these fall into the shaft). When it's all done you pour the wood pieces out of the shaft.

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For those without a 250lb guy around, I had the best success with drilling a hole in the wooden and then simply attaching the plug to the nearest door-frame and pulling on the stick after heating it up - not a single plug stood a chance an neither paint nor stick were (noticeably) damaged :)

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For wood extensions that are hard to get out, I heat the end of the stick up, put a screw into the top of a wood extension and use pliers to yank on the screw, which in turn pulls the extension out. I can't grip the wood plug hard enough otherwise. It has helped.

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I've used all the methods above, I have also used heat up the shaft, put the part of the stick under a car tire and yank on the plug. That works just as well for those who don't have access to a drill/clamps.

But as jimmy said, sand down the edges of the plug before inserting it in to the shaft, makes life easier.

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