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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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recommend ice pants (CCM,RBZ)

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i'm wearing ccm v-10 pants ,

Looking new ice pants around 100$.

could you recommend?,

i'm depence.

1. rbz150 (90$)

2. ccm crazstrong (100$.

3.?? any??

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3 - Girdle? I often see Rbk 9k girdles on ebay for around $100 - $120. Depends on your size though as these girdles run tight.

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Reebok pants are super cheap now, top of the line 20k pants are 106, 18k are 80 bux, not many sizes available, but if they fit they're pretty good pants for the money. I've been using 20k and I like them, no problems with protection or durability at all.

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I like the RBZ pants a lot and found them pretty lightweight and not bulky. I recommend them if you like your pants to be close-fitting. I wear the top of the line RBZ pants, and those are pretty similar to RBZ150.

The only other pants I'm familiar with is Tackla 9000. Those are great if you want the best protection, but I don't think they'll meet your $100 USD price limit. They're bulkier than RBZ.

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I just got a pair of RBZ pants and can't recommend them enough. Switched over from Bauer Nexus 1000. RBZ do fit closer, but are super light and the break in is about 5 minutes into the game.

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If you want to try a girdle you should be able to find the Warrior Projekt on clearance (I see it's online for $80 at one place based on a quick google search) since it's been replaced by the new Dynasty girdle. I've used that for several years and am very happy with it. The only thing I needed to do was replace the stock belt that was too short. It's light (lighter than any high end pant and most other girdles), comfortable, mobile and has enough protection for men's league play. I use a Bauer Supreme shell with mine, but most shells will work.

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I wore CL for a year or so. Since I had not played for a long time, I did not realize at the time that the plastic pieces above the thigh guards and to the right and left of the groin, prevent the skater from getting into a nice crouch/ forward lean. If you try to crouch, the plastic piece sort of digs in and just prevents the motion. I am wearing the Warrior Dynasty girdle now.

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