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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wearing referee pads for pond hockey?

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Going to play pond hockey this winter! Gotta get some gear now.

I need a low profile pad around my butt and I am considering a referee girdle under sweatpants.

Since there is no LHS nearby I can only buy gear from online.

Please someone give me some input on this?

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Look at five pad football shorts/girdle. Shock doctor and under armour have some. If you can find them you may get by with three pad versions. Tailbone and both hips get padding. Bet they are at local sporting good stores nearby.

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Well, if we're airing our darkest secrets, I used to wear work knee pads when I first started on the pond 9+ years ago. Ice is hard enough to crack the stiff plastic knee caps when you land on them!

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