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Gunk from my Bauer helmet

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After wearing a Bauer 4000 for about five years I had to replace it because a whitish gunk started to appear on my forehead upon removing the helmet post-game. It looked like sunscreen lotion and was very stubborn to come off. A teammate said that the protective foam had started to break down on my 4000 and when met with heat and sweat, would become gooey.

I replaced my 4000 with a 4500 a few months ago and low-and-behold, am getting gunk on my forehead again. I've worn the helmet maybe 30 times. What is going on here? Has anyone else had similar experience with this helmet? There is no sunscreen-like substance that occurs on my forehead after regular exercise, so it is definitely helmet-related. Any suggestions welcome. I love the helmet but hate the gunk.

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  On 9/30/2015 at 7:36 AM, jmiami said:

After wearing a Bauer 4000 for about five years I had to replace it because a whitish gunk started to appear on my forehead upon removing the helmet post-game. It looked like sunscreen lotion and was very stubborn to come off. A teammate said that the protective foam had started to break down on my 4000 and when met with heat and sweat, would become gooey.

I replaced my 4000 with a 4500 a few months ago and low-and-behold, am getting gunk on my forehead again. I've worn the helmet maybe 30 times. What is going on here? Has anyone else had similar experience with this helmet? There is no sunscreen-like substance that occurs on my forehead after regular exercise, so it is definitely helmet-related. Any suggestions welcome. I love the helmet but hate the gunk.

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I don't have experience with that personally, but my guess is that something in your sweat is causing some kind of reaction with the VN foam in the helmet. Not sure if it's causing an actual breakdown or just your sweat soaking into the foam then being "squeezed" back out with particles from the foam itself. Might be worth looking into helmets with other foams like EPP or Impact Gels if it's really an issue.

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Can't help with the helmet, but have seen what looks like sunscreen type goo in my son's RBZ knee pads. It's in the pin holes in the foam (inside knee cap). Guessing it has to be something with the sweat and foam?

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  On 10/1/2015 at 6:47 PM, Monty22 said:

Do you use hair "product"- gel etc?

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No, don't use any hair product or even moisturizer on my face. Will try cleaning the forehead pad after games and see if that helps.

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  On 10/2/2015 at 10:32 AM, Tech1208 said:

Try one of these:


You will have to enlarge the helmet just a little to accomodate it, however makes the helemt wear much different and cooler.

I haven't looked back.

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Great call Tech1208, I see a lot of NFL guys wearing those. Will give it a whirl. Thanks!

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As already mentioned, most likely something with your sweat and the padding. Is the padding showing signs of breaking down? I would assume it would show signs of it if that were the case.

I used to work with a lady who had higher acid levels in her sweat. She would have to replace her mouse every 8 months because her sweat would break down the plastic and discolor it really bad. From what I was told, it was a normal thing.

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  On 10/6/2015 at 8:01 PM, Miserable said:

As already mentioned, most likely something with your sweat and the padding. Is the padding showing signs of breaking down? I would assume it would show signs of it if that were the case.

I used to work with a lady who had higher acid levels in her sweat. She would have to replace her mouse every 8 months because her sweat would break down the plastic and discolor it really bad. From what I was told, it was a normal thing.

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I used to date toxic women like that. I finally got past the thrill and moved on!

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