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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Modifications

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Looking for any thoughts on how I can or who I can get to help address a skate pain point. Currently skating in the 1X skates, I have skated in every Vapor model since the XX, but these are the only ones that cause some pain. Right at the top of the boot, above the ankle, the edge of the boot will dig into my leg at certain parts throughout the game. Not sure if they took away some of the cushioning from prior models, but it is definitely annoying. Any trustworthy equipment mods out there? Currently I am trying to rig something up with gel pads, but that is just a pain to do every game. Thoughts?

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As Iceman asked, what type of laces are you using? Sounds like you're experiencing lace bite. I've started to get this on my APX after a year of use. A bunga pad will give you some relief and assist with not making it worse. I'd recommend pairing that with tying your skates looser with unwaxed laces. Once it clears up, continue to lace looser and possibly leave a lace bite gel on that tongue to prevent it from happening again.

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Sorry, should have been more clear; I actually use lace bite pads already for the fronts of my foot, but this pain point is above the actual ankle bone on the sides of the boot (above the quarter panel). I also, don't tie my laces tight in that area either. My ankle naturally makes contact with that portion of the boot, but I think there was just more padding in prior models.

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Does it line up with the top of the boot? If so then heat that area up and roll the lip of the boot outwards. Otherwise if it is under the boot top then you might consider getting the boot punched.

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The Vapor comfort edge pad was always not as much padding as the supremes for some reason. If that's what's digging in to you leg maybe you can put some padding on your leg instead of the skate.

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