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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet Recommendations?

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I have the Warrior Krown 360 helmet in a size medium but the helmet is very uncomfortable and pinches the sides of my helmet (even when the helmet is expanded out to its max capacity).

I know that I should find a helmet that fits me the best, but instead of going through so many different helmets, are there any helmets out there that are known for its comfort/durability?

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Comfort will always come down to head shape, no way around that - every suggestion is going to be guess-work unless you can reference a model that does properly fit I suppose. And if a helmet is especially durable but doesn't fit right, it's more dangerous for even longer :/ There might be something to say about VN vs EPP foam and how well those age, but all helmets come with an expiration date that you should honor, since it is your head.

I.e. I love the fit of the S19/E700, while most people I know that have tried it hated the fit....

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you can try the Warrior PX3 helmet, I have found that to fit very comfortable for my head shape. I recommend you try it on at a store to see if it fits your head shape and find your fit size.

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I haven't worn a Warrior helmet in a while, hard to recall the comparisons. You might want to look at the RBK helmets (or CCM Fitlite) as they were a bit wider than some others.

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I second Bauers ReAkt (and ReAkt 100), very comfortable, the 100 has some "sweat channels" on the forehead, had a few hard hits to the head and come away (kinda) ok :-) However, I did email Bauer twice regarding the stats from Virginia Tech regarding concussion level. I emailed them to tell them I was concerned that Bauer was marketing this helmet as the best for concussion protection, yet it scored low on the VT ratings. They didn't bother to reply.

However, the helmets are damn comfortable and I continue to use it ;-)

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