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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick length for off-ice training

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I've recently started playing again after a hiatus for a few years, and for me, one of the first abilities you lose when you take a hiatus, is puckhandling.

So I've started some dryland practice with a green biscuit and the linoleum tiles in my basement give me a pretty good feel for puck slide.

My problem is this - I use my normal (ice) stick when I practice on dry land. When I transition back to ice, the stick starts off feeling short. My guess is because when I dry land train, I don't have the extra height that I do on skates with the holder and the steel.

Anyone else run into this? Should I just use a shorter stick for dry land training and practice?

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It's not uncommon at all, I used to use sticks that were an inch or so shorter when off the ice.

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I use wood blocks at the same height as my holders and steel. It's cheaper than buying a new stick and trying to imitate the same flex.

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Another dry land tip would be to stand on a bosu ball or balance discs. That forces you to work on your balance as well. Also helps you work on the knee flex and keeping yourself from standing up out of shots. I do the same for golf in the offseason.

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Just use a slightly shorter stick. That way you can practice shots and stickhandling in all situations. You want to practice shooting in motion, seems, etc to improve your game fully. A YouTube site called 247hockey (I think) does lots of off-ice stickhandling and shooting drills.

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