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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy vs. XXX

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is anyone lucky enough and have tried both the Synergy skate and the Bauer XXX skate? or does anyone know how their specs compare because i cant find anything here.


I know OGHabib tried the synergy with the blade that came with and with the ligthspeed 2. He got his XXX about a week ago but i dunno if he try them.

I'll talk to him

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I can tell you how they compare...The vapors kind of fit my feet, the synergys don't whatsoever. Going by what i just said, the chances of one fitting you and one not fitting you are 100%. They are cut COMPLETELY different.

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i used to wear bauers but have been using eastons for about a year im wearing the air sbx right now. i heard that because the synergy cant get heated they have to fit right away. also i heard they're real stiff. i wear almost all easton stuff but because my feet arnt growing i want to buy a high end skate

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i wear almost all easton stuff but because my feet arnt growing i want to buy a high end skate

The logic of that statement astounds me.

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there are more high end skates than just the vapor xxx and the synergy. there's graf, mission, ccm, other bauer and easton skates. the difference in your skating won't be much noticeable between all these top end skates, as long as your wearing the one that fits you the best.

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The thing with the Synergy skates is that they won't lose their stiffness as quickly as Vapor skates. But most kids seem to outgrow skates before they wear them out. Like said above, you absolutely cannot compare these two skates because they are two completely different fits. My foot doesn't fit Vapors at all now, but they DO fit Synergys. A better comparison would probably be an 8090 and a Synergy skate, because they have a little bit more similar fit...

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I agree 100%. Fit is the main concern. I am lucky that the vapor line and specifically the XXX's fit me perfectly. Just to be sure try both skates. At the end of the day, whichever of those skates that fits you will be the "better" skate.

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as well, the synergies may be too stiff for you if you're not a big enough guy. nothings more annoying than breaking in a pair of skates for weeks or months because they either don't fit your feet and/or they're too stiff for you. a kid on my brothers bantam AAA team just got a pair of synergy skates, and he may only be 5'10 150lbs or so...and personally, that has to be the biggest waste of money

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You can break in anything at that size, if they fit, and he's a AAA caliber player it's not a waste. Also, I find that alot of kids are getting "tunnel-vision" for these two skates because besides the obvious point that they are the latest and greatest, they want to be the envy of their friends, regardless of fit.

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I have tested the SyNergy skates. You buy a skate that makes you skate faster..

It's not the skate that makes you skate faster, Its the fit of the skate and how good the skater is. A pair of $530 skates is not going to make you a better skater I dont know why people think that. For examlpe you will probley skate better in a $200 pair of skates that fit your feet than you would in a Synergy skate that doesen't fit your feet.

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