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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

Busch is making blades now?

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I believe I saw some in the Front Row Sports shop located in the Amherst Pepsi Center...We go back in a few weeks; I'll try to remember to check them out.

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They've had the Graf comp. blades at hockeyservices.com for while now. Same w/ the apollo quest comp blade.

hockeyservices always seems to be hip to really obscure stuff. no pics though, just a price list.

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Wow... just looked at the price for the Graf composite - $75 for just ablade? OUCH!

I do really like those blades though - I'll have to keep an eye out for them in stores (I presume that, unless the prices at hockeyservices.com are in Canadian$, that that web site has high prices).

(so, back to what Joshy said earlier.... expensive....)

But, Neo, you're right - they DID really seem to have a ton of sort of hard to find stuff. I agree, though, would be better with pix or some sort of description write up.

Mikael, a silver blade - you sure it was from Busch? Typically they don't put paint on their carbon fibre stuff....

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Silver eh? I really CAN'T STAND rainbow/candy colored silver ish on comp blades. the plain black weave is so much cleaner and classier.

ah well, I guess that's what krylon is for

and if these busch blades have the same feel as the OPC's, then they should feel great. Love to get my hands on one :ph34r: :P

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I saw those at a Source for Sports a while back and they looked pretty nice. The model name was the Silver or Silver something I forget, but I picked it up and it was pretty light and felt nice and stiff. It was running at $90-100, right around the Z-carbons.

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