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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting a "clean" joint when changing blades

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Everytime I switch out a blade, the excess glue is just a huge mess and gets all over the outside of the joint area. What are some techniques and tips on having a clean looking joint? Whenever I try to rub it off or pick it off, that just makes it worse.


Here are some pics of the joint on my XV shaft and blade so you guys can see what i'm talking about:




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You could do two things. If you wait till hockey glue is completely cool, that slop comes off with minimal mess even if it is stuck on. You can also wrap a piece of tape around the bottom of the shaft so the glue that runs over meets tape and not shaft

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The tape thing works best. You should probably rip the tape off right after you put the blade in too as the glue may bond the tape to the shaft after it has cooled.

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the best way to get a clean joint is to roll your papers nice and tight!

no really, when you do it many times a day you can just use your finger and while the glue is still hot just wipe it off. Do not do this with the colored glue becasue it gets much hotter than the clear stuff.

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I do the JR method and just re-heat the shaft to get the access glue off. I take a small spade head screwdriver and use along the connection pt. to get rid of the glue inside the groove. Then I take a little rubbing alcohol and wipe the shaft and blade off. Works great. You just have to be careful. Using the alc. can remove some paint off some shafts. Easton and Bauer have not a been a prob. Lville Red light XN10 and XN10R2, paint comes right off.

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You also have the option of melting the glue in the shaft rather than on the blade tenon. When you insert the tenon, however, you end up with the lump of glue in the shaft but it avoids the mess on the outside.

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You can also remove all the glue from the blade before installing it. Then, place a piece of black friction tape over the blade where the glue was. Heat that up till it bubbles then inset into shaft. You'll get a tight fit but no glue will come out.

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Slide the blade in slow and whatever glue you need will stay in and hold the blade. Just scoop away the excess glue. I just use an old piece of tape or paper to wipe it off. I leave just enough in the groove to make a nice seal. Heat it up again and wipe the rest off if you make a mess.

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This might be what Lester was getting at...

When you heat up the glue, scrape it off inside the shaft before you insert the blade. It'll keep the glue where it belongs... inside the stick.

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Instead of trying to wipe the glue off while it's warm, which inevitably ends in me smearing it all over, I just let it sit untill it's completely hardened, then I cut the big globs off with a razor blade.

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