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Rules Question: Inadvertent Icing call

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14 minutes ago, xstartxtodayx said:

boo I'm still not happy.. the rule is stupid, there I said it haha  

I also agree. I asked about why a botched icing call is taken in the zone the puck is in when the play is blown dead is faced off in that zone (in USA hockey) at a ref seminar a couple years back. They said putting it at center penalizes the team that didn't ACTUALLY ice the puck by taking away half the length of the rink that they legally earned. I mean, I guess... but I think it penalizes the other team even more.

Maybe they should just give possession to the team deep in their own end, just as if they had a defenceman go back to get it... heh. 

That said, rules are rules and they suck equally for both teams sometimes. 

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This situation is exactly why the rule is the best option.

You had a team in possession of the puck in the attacking end.  That team made a mistake and threw the puck all the way down to their own end all on their own accord.  Why should the defending team have to take a faceoff closer to their end when they had nothing to do with the icing of the puck?  At no point in that situation would the attacking team have ended up with the puck in the center dot.

Not to mention - your own team screwed the pooch and threw the puck down, your goalie didn't have the awareness to come play the puck to stop the icing (which he should have known was sent by your own player), your center lost the ensuing draw, and the rest of your team didn't cover correctly off the draw.  But hey, all of that is the ref's fault for putting the draw in the correct place.

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