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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vegas Golden Knights

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11 hours ago, Hills said:

Uni-watch is a great site. Also... how does a franchise not have all that stuff ready before being announced.

It is. I've contributed to Paul over the years. 

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I think fans are willing to look past the name of the team and focus on the success they are having and establishing themselves a fan base in their inaugural year. Your bitterness about Vegas is quite apparent. 

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Quite the contrary. I think if you've followed the full story you'd see I was arguing against those who were bitter about one thing or another Vegas hockey related.

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1 hour ago, IPv6Freely said:

And the uniforms have really grown on me. 

They could have easily gone with black helmets, and I love that they didn't. The gray helmets look so good. I also love that Nashville wears yellow helmets. Too many white/black or white/blue combos. Nice to see some teams going in different directions.

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16 hours ago, RadioGaGa said:

They could have easily gone with black helmets, and I love that they didn't. The gray helmets look so good. I also love that Nashville wears yellow helmets. Too many white/black or white/blue combos. Nice to see some teams going in different directions.

Agreed! I’m also a fan of the splash of red on the unis too

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I HATED the uniforms when they were first revealed but they have grown on me. I like the sparkly gold stripes, I think it does a good job representing the "glitz & glamour" style of Las Vegas. The one thing I think is awesome though are the AWAY uniforms. Those white gloves are FIRE!!!

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