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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Felt for tongues

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Has anyone ever ordered just some extra felt for adding thickness to their tongues?  I'm getting Some lacebite with my supreme 190s.  Just in the left skate.  The tongue isn't breaking down per SE, the plastic is still rigid and in tact, no creases, or hard bends, but I think it's just due To the felt being packed down.  I'd like to try adding a little bit of new felt - like 1/4 in or something to try to add some padding without disrupting the volume.  I don't think it's necessary to put new TOngues in yet.  Skates are only like a year old.  I looked at hobby stores but they don't have the right type of felt.  I saw that grainger has plenty of options. But I don't know what their ratings mean - they have a rating from F1 - F30 and a durometer, density and ft lbs rating as well.  Obviously just want to get the right type of material.  

Worst case is ill disect my inline skates and harvest some felt from there but I'd rather not do that.  

I contacted Nash who offered to sell me their tongues and/or just their felt.  has anyone used their tongues and how were they?


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  On 12/3/2016 at 12:45 AM, puckpilot said:

For me, with my old skates, I just bought lace bite pads. Velcros into place. Works great.



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I tried them a while back with apx paper thin tongues.  Did the job for a while but was never completely comfortable.  Still put too much pressure on the hot spot.  I ended up swapping out those tongues.  I still have these pads so I might try it again and see how it goes.  

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Instead of more felt on the inside, what about more plastic on the outside?  I've seen mods on pro skates where they speedy stitched plastic over the affected area. The guy said he used something pliable like an old shampoo bottle so the the plastic wouldn't just crease. 

If you decide to harvest from a donor pair, though, what about buying a cheap from PIAS or Craigslist before ruining your inlines?

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  On 12/3/2016 at 1:37 AM, yrhmblnr8r said:

Instead of more felt on the inside, what about more plastic on the outside?  I've seen mods on pro skates where they speedy stitched plastic over the affected area. The guy said he used something pliable like an old shampoo bottle so the the plastic wouldn't just crease. 

If you decide to harvest from a donor pair, though, what about buying a cheap from PIAS or Craigslist before ruining your inlines?

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Good idea on pias.  

The current tongues have a hard pliable plastic (curv composite) insert on them that's perfect and it's not damaged or creased in any way.  I just think the tongue is packed too much.  It's more of what's happening on the inside.  I probably tied them too tight one day and irritated it then played the next day and as as we all know that's a slippery slope.  

Ive even thought about adding some sort of memory foam like the tongues on the new 1s that are like a memory foam with 375 liner over it.  

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I had once added a strip of gel-covered fabric (~5mm thick, medical stuff from an orthopedic) underneath the lace-bite pad (so between guard and felt) of my old One95, worked very nicely as-well. The gel can't be pushed aside by the laces so it distributes the pressure a little better.

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Look into Forsberg pad... there are a couple of different takes on it, perhaps, you can use one of them for your skate. Lots about it in this forum as well if you search.

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  On 12/5/2016 at 2:27 PM, vinprun71 said:

Sounds like boot depth isn't right. Got lace bite in my APXs after a year of skating in them, because the boot depth caught up to me. Sounds very similar.

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I don't think that's the issue - pass the pencil test - I went from vapors to supremes partly because of the volume.  

It's the first time in years I've gotten anything - it may (hopefully) be a temporary nuisance.  Honestly only bothers me when I have games back to back nights which isn't often but I went from 1 team to 3 teams this season (over committed) which my body is not used to lol.  I'm dialing back for a few weeks Til after the new year and hoping it subsides.  I've been steady icing it and it's much better.  

i have several potential solutions to try lined up ranging from additional felt, to some "weather strip" type of pads I found in the garage, to a part of the tongue from my timberland workbooks that has some extra memory foam type padding in the top.  If it doesnt go away I'll experiment with some of these.  


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  On 12/6/2016 at 12:39 AM, Dizzyg12 said:

I don't think that's the issue - pass the pencil test - I went from vapors to supremes partly because of the volume.  

It's the first time in years I've gotten anything - it may (hopefully) be a temporary nuisance.  Honestly only bothers me when I have games back to back nights which isn't often but I went from 1 team to 3 teams this season (over committed) which my body is not used to lol.  I'm dialing back for a few weeks Til after the new year and hoping it subsides.  I've been steady icing it and it's much better.  

i have several potential solutions to try lined up ranging from additional felt, to some "weather strip" type of pads I found in the garage, to a part of the tongue from my timberland workbooks that has some extra memory foam type padding in the top.  If it doesnt go away I'll experiment with some of these.  


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Get a Bungapad. It was a life saver for me until new skates. It also helped keep the new skates comfortable until my lace bite went away completely.

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  On 12/6/2016 at 1:36 PM, vinprun71 said:

Get a Bungapad. It was a life saver for me until new skates. It also helped keep the new skates comfortable until my lace bite went away completely.

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I actually tried to types of Bunga pads and it put more pressure on the spot I had to pull my Skate off after the second shift and take the pad out

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  On 12/6/2016 at 2:37 PM, Dizzyg12 said:

I actually tried to types of Bunga pads and it put more pressure on the spot I had to pull my Skate off after the second shift and take the pad out

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More felt, bunga pads, lace bite protectors, harder or softer plastic in tongue... all that is for prevention of lace bite, not cure of it. Once you have even minor lace bite, the only cure is to prevent of any contact between the sore spot and any part of the skate. I know of only two ways -  a version of forsberg pad or abstain from skating until soreness is gone. After that, you can add felt or lace bite protector to prevent this from happening again.    

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  On 12/6/2016 at 5:49 PM, Kgbeast said:

More felt, bunga pads, lace bite protectors, harder or softer plastic in tongue... all that is for prevention of lace bite, not cure of it. Once you have even minor lace bite, the only cure is to prevent of any contact between the sore spot and any part of the skate. I know of only two ways -  a version of forsberg pad or abstain from skating until soreness is gone. After that, you can add felt or lace bite protector to prevent this from happening again.    

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Yep I'm aware of the need to let it heal - it's very minor right now which is why I'm trying to get out in front of it.  I have bee off the ice for about two weeks now.  I do have a game tonight so I'll see how it feels.  Then basically two games through the end of December so it should get plenty of rest.



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One thing that greatly decreased the size of my lace bite was going to the doctor and getting a cortizone shot in the spot. It definitely looked better the following days. Could be something to think about.

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  On 12/6/2016 at 9:43 PM, Dizzyg12 said:

Yep I'm aware of the need to let it heal - it's very minor right now which is why I'm trying to get out in front of it.  I have bee off the ice for about two weeks now.  I do have a game tonight so I'll see how it feels.  Then basically two games through the end of December so it should get plenty of rest.



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You may be passing the pencil test in a relaxed position but your tendon could still be stressing against the tongue when skating and this sounds like the case given your history of irritation in the area. Every time you skate the tendon is suffering micro trauma and now its a race between damage and body healing. When you skate to much, the damage starts to win and the things begin to hurt. Bunga pads and other layers of protection generally don't work, you have to take the pressure OFF the area. This is why a forsberg pad works and to this day is still the only GUARANTEED method (other than not skating) to fix irritation of the tendon. But you have to tape it to your foot each time you skate, a hassle for most people. So go for the next best option, buy or make a set of lace extenders. It's not hard, easy to fit and should cure this problem. Or try some option B lace straps, they also cure lace bite.

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