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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can someone measure a tapered blade for me?

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Hey guys and gals, quick favor to ask. If anyone has a tapered replacement blade, could you please put it up against the wall and measure how high up the hosel goes (to the insertion point?) 


Blade standing vertically, toe on the floor, hosel flush against the wall. 


I have a broken OPS that i'd like to out a blade into, but need to make sure the shaft will be long enough for me once the blade is installed. I know the tapered blades have shorter hosels so I thought I should check before I bought a blade online. I cut the shaft to the point where it's 0.520 so I need to know how much the blade will add.


Doesn't have to be exact, but for reference, I'm using a Bauer lie 6 to judge against. 


Thank you!

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I have a BASE 2-piece with a lie-4 blade. The joint is at 11.25 inches from the ground with the stick standing against the wall. But like Chippa13 says, just add an extension at the butt end if you need to make up for a bit of length.

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56 minutes ago, Larry54 said:

I have a BASE 2-piece with a lie-4 blade. The joint is at 11.25 inches from the ground with the stick standing against the wall. But like Chippa13 says, just add an extension at the butt end if you need to make up for a bit of length.

Thanks! Yeah, an inch or two, I can add an extension... I don't like adding more than that because since your top hand is always there, it always seems to work itself loose, and then you have to untape and re-glue, etc.  


Probably just a backup stick so maybe not a big deal. Thanks again.


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2 hours ago, DRR said:

Thanks! Yeah, an inch or two, I can add an extension... I don't like adding more than that because since your top hand is always there, it always seems to work itself loose, and then you have to untape and re-glue, etc.  


Probably just a backup stick so maybe not a big deal. Thanks again.


Depends on manufacturer of the blade.  10 1/2" for the Bauer, Sherwood and Eastons I have.

Before you buy you want to make sure the ops you have has square internal walls and corners to make the blade fitting process easier. If they are rounded and offset walls / corners like those from a vapour stick then fitting a replacement blade is just not worth the hassle unless you are prepared to spend hours and hours at trying to get the blade to fit.

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Measuring the blade up against the wall like that won't give you an accurate measurement. The lie, length of blade and curve will all affect the measurement. 

That is unless I'm misinterpreting your question. 

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